The Friday Nightmares Podcast: Top 30 of 2020 to 2024
Hello, and welcome to the 103, 103?
103 and so of The Friday Nightmares Podcast.
I am one host of your premium professional podcasting team that acts as a role model to the smaller, lesser known podcasts out there, like Dummies of Horror, for example, Slasher Radio, the ones that are just trying to come up and make it in this world.
We're going to show them what real hard work over four years looks like today.
My name is Heather Powell.
I live in Waterdown, Ontario, Canada, and with me as always is the main attraction.
Smokeshow Crawford, coming to you from the town of Swartz Creek in the county of Genesee, in the state of Michigan, in the United States of America, in the North American continent, in the Western Hemisphere, on the planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy.
I'm fully vaxxed, boosted and waxed and ready to climax.
And if you can, please get me wet and feed me after midnight.
I'm the man with the glorious beard, aka the mother of cats, aka the man with the humongous ego, aka Scott hausen, aka Scotty Chew Hottie, aka Spanky, aka Hey Scott, aka one half of the premium podcasting duo that creates the tomahawk steaks of podcasting.
Not that overdone raw beef Wellington of podcasts that we know as the Dummies of Horror.
We are the one that you spend $100 a plate on, baby.
That's the type of podcast we are.
It's like when you go out for a special meal, right?
You go out for a special meal once in a while, which is why we only record once a month.
You know, we're not your daily bitches.
We're the elite side chick that you take to the nice restaurant.
Not like McDonald's, like you would do with some other podcasts.
I've released an episode every two weeks.
Look at me.
Look at us.
And a quick note, we are not talking about 2025 today.
We are talking about Scott and I's journey over the past four years of being podcasters and all the movies we have watched.
And we'll be giving our top 30 from, you know, a combined top 30 from the year of 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
And let me tell you, when I was making this list, you can see when things started to open for COVID because the watch list got less and less.
And I even was like, oh, that's the last movie I watched that I saw Scott.
And then we didn't see each other again for two years.
Yeah, like for me, I was kind of going through it and I'm going, oh, Invisible Man, that was the last movie I got to see in theaters before everything shut down.
It's amazing how you remember stuff.
But in terms of horror movies for 2025, I'm not going to give anything away, but I have only watched 15 and it is February 23rd because it has been, it has been hard.
But I just want to let everyone know that Piglet is my number one movie so far of the year.
And it's just everything you could want in a film.
So if you haven't had a chance to watch Piglet yet, please get out and do that.
And I'm the one that turned it off about halfway through.
Which Scott isn't into the poo, the full poo universe.
And yes, this movie makes absolutely no sense, but I was fucking here for it.
Who cares if it makes sense?
But we're not here to talk about Piglet and the 2025 lacklusterness that has begun of the year.
We're here to talk about the journey that Scott and I have had in these top 30 films that premium podcasters watch, and only the best.
And we again have no idea what will be on each other's lists.
We probably have a slight idea of what will be on each other's lists, but I'm excited to see because we got to go back in time here, as I was saying to Scott, before we started to record.
So it's kind of fun.
Yeah, it was a lot of fun doing this.
And yeah, I'm at about seven or eight 2025s.
I figure I wanted to slow down because I wanted to focus on this list.
I knew I would.
Because if I started watching a bunch of them right off the bat, by the time we recorded our actual regular episode, I would forget.
I'm going to be like, I saw this movie, I rated it this.
I don't know anything about it.
Can't remember it.
So I figure I'll start.
Which means it's probably not that good.
More than likely.
But I figure I'll give it a good old college try once we're done with this recording to get prepped for going back to our normal style episodes.
We're going to try to do this in one whole episode.
Guess just depends on time.
Because it is 30 movies that we're each doing.
So a total of 60.
I'm sure we'll be fairly quick, but you never know.
So this may be stretched into two or just this one.
So we will see.
Scott and I do like to get in and out quickly though.
So there's a good chance.
We don't want commitment.
We just want to be here and gone.
We're not in it for the long grind.
And my full-out game is strong.
We're there with you, buddy.
We're there with you.
So we'll jump right into it.
We'll skip all the bullshit.
Scott and Erica are doing great.
Their wedding is coming up.
Blah, blah, blah.
They're super happy.
They went on a date day.
I went to Maine, Mexico.
I went to Cancun, went swimming, drank a lot.
Blah, blah, blah.
It was great.
Saw a bunch of Americans.
They were very nice.
We all got along.
Everything was happy.
And now, on to the next.
And I'll preface this by saying we are not going to do honorable mentions just because we figure we'll just jump in because top 30, it's already a lot of movies.
It is.
And fuck, if they didn't make it to the list, then they don't make it to the podcast of premium podcasters.
That's right.
Fuck them.
Do you want me to start or do you want to start?
Yeah, you go ahead and start.
I'll say, I'm going to count up how many of each year I have real quick while you're doing it.
I was shocked that this made it to my top 10 this year.
I was shocked that it made it to my top 3 this year.
Never in a million years would I think Mr.
Eggers would ever be on my list for anything.
I'm lukewarm on The Witch.
I didn't like The Lighthouse.
But fucking Nosferatu is one of, is number 30, baby.
This is such a divisive film.
I totally get the people to think it's artistic and shoves it right straight up their ass that it's boring in the whole three days.
It's funny.
That's a shout out to Daniel from the Dummies of Horror Podcast.
But I thought it was an excellent film.
I thought it was so fucking well made, so fucking well directed.
And the acting for me worked.
It was over the top, and I enjoyed it.
And it made it to spot 30.
So congratulations, Natsuratu.
And I'm curious to see what Mr.
Eggers will do next.
And if we ever do a list again, if this will stay on there, it will be replaced by something else.
And that's wow.
Yeah, that is awesome because yeah, I know you're not a big fan.
So hearing that, I am not.
And it's funny because I was just on the phone with my mother before we recorded.
And my mom was like, yeah, so my so Wayne and I were watching Paramount Plus last night.
And I meant to message you.
We watched a movie called Natsuratu and I'm going, no shit.
She was talking about how much she liked it and everything.
I'm going, that's awesome.
That's really cool.
That's really cool.
But yeah, that is a top 30.
Hell yeah.
Good job.
I'm proud of you, Heather.
You've come a long way.
You make a premium podcaster of me yet.
So yeah, my number 30 was a film from 2023, and it was a holiday slasher film.
And that movie is Eli Roth's Thanksgiving.
Fuck yeah.
It's just fun all the way through.
Great kills, annoying characters that you want to see die, goes at a good pace, had a nice little twist to it.
The carnage in the beginning with the Black Friday Madness was perfect.
Yeah, this was just so much fun.
And now is on the always watching it for Thanksgiving holiday season.
I rewatched it a couple of times, and it is solid and was filmed up the street from my house.
And every time I go to the gym, I look over at the school and I'm like, Hi, that's where Thanksgiving was filmed.
Yeah, that is that was really cool, because I remember you talking about when that was being recorded there or being filmed there.
Yeah, it was pretty cool.
They filmed it over March break here.
And I like ERR.
Roth a lot.
I think he's a really cool director.
I don't think he's the best director in the world.
But I think what he does, he does well.
And he does gore very well.
And that movie did gore very well.
So my 29 is also one from 2023.
And never in a million years did I think that a movie about a fucking giant ass lizard would make it to my top 30.
But here we are today.
And that baby is Godzilla minus one.
Fuck yeah.
These two, the 29 and the 30, were shockers.
Both movies were movies that I was like, oh yeah, I'll go watch them because I had heard such good things.
And I was not disappointed.
I think Godzilla minus one hit me in all the fields.
I thought that it was scary.
It made Godzilla scary.
And I really appreciated that.
And that's why it's sitting at number 29 for me.
Hell yeah.
Because I'm glad you put it on the list because it did just miss my list.
Because I did have a few issues with it, but it's still a fucking good movie.
And Godzilla was terrifying in that.
He was.
He was scary.
He was like me in the morning after drinking.
That's exactly what it looks like.
Everyone in the neighborhood is running away from me.
It's true.
All right.
So you have the mine number 29 is a film from 2022, a theatrical release that was in my top 10.
And yeah, it is Smile 2022.
Like I, yeah, I just have a lot of fun with this one.
I find it very creepy and it deals with like trauma in its own way.
And I found the curse to be very like disturbing.
I was hoping for so much more with part two, but part two kind of let me down.
Like I think it kind of expanded out into a little too much, maybe.
I'm not sure.
But yeah, smile.
Just I've watched that one at least three or four times now and such a good film.
Yeah, that was in my honorable mentions.
I had it in like the narrowed down and probably like we'll say the 50 that I started with and then breaking it down from there.
Great fucking movie.
Great fucking movie.
Horror done right.
And horror done differently, but yet still familiar.
And I think that that's what that film did well.
And I agree the second one, as interesting as it was, to me, the first one was better.
But it is what it is, right?
Well, My 28, this was a shutter film.
And it didn't get talked a lot about at the time.
I think you and I both really enjoyed it.
And we both got tickles from it.
But not a lot of people really latched on to it.
And sadly, I don't think there'll ever be a sequel because of it.
But my number 28 is Kids vs.
Oh, no.
I thought that movie was so sweet and endearing, and the brother and sister and the wrestling thing that they were getting involved in and just how these kids stuck out the alien attack.
I've seen it once and it stuck with me two years later.
And that's when I was doing this list, I thought about movies that have stuck with me, that I remember without having to look up what it was generally about is probably a good sign.
So, if you like a little bit of silly, combine with some pretty decent special effects and you miss this one, I would say go back and check it out on the Shuddy.
It is Kids vs.
More than likely, you won't hate it.
You may not love it, but I don't think you're going to hate it.
No, I'll say it was definitely like a really fun one.
I am starting to like forget a lot about it because it's one of those that just for me, didn't stick with me as much.
But it's still, I remember it being a lot of fun.
Great choice.
Then for me, I, my number 28, one from just last year that was also in my top 10, and it is a sequel, and that is Alien Romulus.
Fuck yeah, great film.
I had just so much fun with it.
It had some issues, that's why it's kind of lower, but it was solid Alien sequel.
Not much to say because we've talked about it recently, but yeah, very fun film.
Great film.
Well, good special effects, like worth the high budget.
We gave that award to it, I believe, in our end of the year, and it deserves it.
So if people skipped over that last year, I would definitely recommend checking it out.
And Alien films are horror films, just to be clear again, in case anyone missed that the first time we talked about it.
My number 27, this was actually a low budget film, and this got me into low budget films.
This came out in 2020, and I think it was around the time that Mr.
Mark Nadeau generously shared his screeners with us.
And that movie is called The Special.
And it is a throwback in time about basically what is presented as a sex parlor.
And there is this box that gives you this beyond rewarding sexual experience.
And a gentleman gets addicted to it.
And the box is not what it seems.
And I think this movie is such a great metaphor on addictions.
I think it was great for special effects, for it being a low budget film.
I thought the acting was quality as well.
And it was something that not a lot of people talked about.
And this may not be for everybody.
Matt Wood, if you...
I know that's what it's like.
I'm like, sex in a box, Matt Wood.
But I think...
I mean, it is sexy Matt Wood.
It is sexy Matt Wood.
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