Cinema_PSYOPS_EP490: Giant Monsters FSU: Mothra vs.Godzilla 1964 (Main Feed)

There is very little time or point in an explanation. To be

blunt, the audio came from a timeline and dimension that has

collapsed at a quantum level, rendering it null and void in terms of existence.

Operational time in the dimensional continuum where the beings that

created the audio collapsed in on itself, rendering all of their civilization,

including technology, null and void. Timelines across the entire

continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction has

a nexus that centers on Cinema PsyOps.

10 years. Man.

10. 10 years.

10 years. Man. 10 years. 10 years.

10. 10 years.

10 Years.

What is the most likely way humanity will be wiped out? Maybe it's something.

Or us. Although the way the world ends might. Be because of

you. And if this is the case, you. Wouldn'T have any control over it.

The global temperature rise underscores a chilling reality.

Our planet is trying to tell us something, but we don't seem

to be listening. A recent study has suggested that one. Third of annual deaths

due to heat are directly related to global warming.

On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear light, which is

180 million degrees, which catches every everything on fire in a

nine mile diameter radius. On top of the bulldozing effect

of the wind and all the buildings coming down, and more fires igniting

more fires on top of the radiation if they happen to have survived

poisoning people to death. On top of all that, each one of these

fires creates a mega fire that is a hundred or

more square miles.

Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and changing.

The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema Psyops.

A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place.

Biotechnology has been progressing at stunning speed,

giving us the tools to eventually gain control over biology.

Solving the deadliest diseases while also creating viruses more

dangerous than nuclear bombs, able to devastate humanity.

It's man returning to the most primal,

violent state as people fight over the tiny

resources that remain. What if the world we live in.

Is just a dream or a simulation? Whether it's a dream or some advanced

computer game you are playing right now. When it ends, you would be what

causes the end of the world. Please do us all a favor.

Continue dreaming or playing this game of life. Because when

you wake up or unplug, there's a chance the rest of us. Will be blaked

out of existence. Timelines across the entire continuum

are collapsing and changing. The destruction has a nexus that centers

on Cinema syn. 10 years.

10 years.

Oh, that's way too fucking long. And nobody cares anymore. And welcome to

Cinema Psyops. I am your host, Court, the guy that is

super stoked that we have reached 490 consecutive episodes

and weeks that we have been recording this show. Shh.

Don't mention you've been recording every other week. And joining me in

the joy of that and talking over me in this entire episode is my co

host, Matt. That's supposed to be my episode. God damn.

Okay, well, if you have so many vital and important things to say,

Matt, the floor is yours.

No, not anymore. Anyway, I'm going to insert crickets there. That's going to be great.

That would be for the best.

Okay, so we kind of talked about it last week a little bit how

we're the Showa Era. We're install the Criterion Collections version

of the Showa era for everything. And that's why your movie is subtitled

while there are dubbed versions out there. We're not going to be covering the dub

version of that because it wasn't in the box set. It just wasn't available.

Now, when I say the Showa era, are you familiar with that, Matt?

Because some people in the audience may not be, and I'm not sure if you

are or not. I am not. Okay. Pretty simple, right?

There are eras of Godzilla movie releases that occur

not necessarily in years, but in eras of the

living Emperor of Japan at the. So the era of Showa,

the emperor is the Showa era of Godzilla,

which starts with the original Godzilla and runs all the way up to.

Well, when I tell you it stops when we get there.

I tell you right now there's going to be some other eras, but all

of the eras, whenever you see like whether it's Heisei or whatever

it's going to be, that was the Emperor of Japan at the time, apparently.

And that's how they defined these eras in. Now I. I usually

go by the various years and things like that as well,

but since we're just kind of doing a run of all of these in of

release and then we're going to be mixing in some other companies here and

there with a few movies besides just Toho stuff. I didn't

want to get too bogged down into what the eras are, but I

mentioned it last week and I need to say what the Showa era actually

is just in case there's anybody out there that wasn't familiar with it. And I

guarantee you that there are tons of people out there that are going to type

up a strongly worded email correcting my way of describing it and then not

send it to us because that would just be too much like giving feedback.

Yeah, no, yeah, they're going to type it up angrily, and then that'll get rid

of their anger, and then they'll just be like, just a dumb nerd.

And then they're going to let that one go. Yeah. He's not the Godzilla fan

he claims to be. If that's what he thinks about the show era.

Exactly. Fuck. What a bunch of fucking plebes.

I will freely admit that I don't get as bogged down in

the minutiae and the details about everything surrounding the films.

I watch them and enjoy them for what they are. And what you can clearly

see is a lot of effort to make practical effects work. That's why

I watch them. The other stuff, I'm not saying that it doesn't interest me,

just not something that I actively seek. It's just something that I will listen to

whenever another person who actively seeks it and is obsessed with these movies starts

talking about. That's all. Oh, there you go. But that makes sense.

Yeah. It's almost like I'm a. I don't know, just reasonable guy

who just wants to enjoy movies on the level that he can enjoy movies on.

Let's not be hasty here. Reasonable is kind of when

it comes to film viewing. I'm reasonable. All right, don't tell

my wife I said that.

And also don't tell my wife I made that joke, actually, just don't tell my

wife about this show anymore. I'm trying not to, but it's

all. We have to talk about anymore when we're around each other. I know,

right? And then they think, you know, we don't want our wives knowing what we're

doing around here. Yeah. The most embarrassing thing

that we have to say is a few stupid jokes we make on a podcast

which are still somehow very respectful. Yes, we're still very

respectful people, at. Least to our wives, because otherwise we'd be very dead

people. Oh, God. Yeah. They would kill us so fucking quickly.

All right, so why don't we stop fucking around before we get ourselves in further

trouble here? We're going to play on this week's pirate radio

Edit all songs popular from 1964.

So immediately following the Legion Patreon ad, we're gonna have The Dick Clark

5 and the song Bits and Pieces back again on a pirate radio

edit. Anybody listening?

We're gonna jump into the time machine. Here we go.

All right. 1997. Here we go.

What? Oh, man. What happened?

I don't know. It started off, hey, where's the

time chicken? He should be right there. He's not.

He's not in the cage. Oh, man. He flew the

coop. We really need to get a better. A better time chicken coop or

a time chicken cage or. Hey, there's something. What's that in the coop

right there? That looks like a little piece of paper ransom

note? It's a shopping list. How is

that gonna help you with. This battle stupid,

that you're doing with. The power Puff Hour?

Main? Guys, look, I admit, I let Matt

get a little ahead of himself, and he talked me into,

well, stealing their time chicken. The is a time chicken?

I don't know. It's something that they use for this time machine when

they go back in time to do the reviews.

I'm standing here talking to a robot patterned

after me, which has got the personality

of meh. I'm pretty sure that anything is possible.

I'm a mad scientist. It's what I do. Now,

why the hell does a chicken power a time machine? Yeah,

how the fuck does that happen? I don't know. That's why I stole the damn

thing. I'm gonna find out. The chickens. Chicken is time.

It controls time. Or. Or does it turn over time and.

The machine brings them? I don't know. That's just what they say. The time chicken

is supposed to be there, and it. It's a time machine. But the time chicken

makes the time machine work. Okay, all right.

I don't know. They just say that it makes it work. I guess the time

machine is like, you know, the. The DeLorean. It's just the

device that. That puts the people there. There. It's like the container

that they use to go through time. But the time

chicken facilitates it and sort of opens the portal.

So you have, like, a conduit that the chicken acts as. Like, a conduit.

All right. So bits and pieces is always kind of bunched together with another

Dave Clark 5 song and a lot of different performances. And that's what it was

kind of going into right here that I'm coming in to interrupt and get us

to talk about Mothra versus Godzilla instead.

Yay. Mothra versus Godzilla. Let's go for it. Let's do

it. First 30 minutes, because I broke into 33 30s.

So a typhoon hits, and a newsman and his photographer

show up. And the photographer, she's new, and he kind of is always giving her

crap for it. Then we see an assembly man show

up, and he's like, hey, we're gonna try. He's. He's mad about

an article that the. The news Writer has written about him.

Well, then, like I said, the newsman, he's really mad that the camera is too

slow, but they find something very shiny and weird in the wreckage.

It looks absolutely Godzilla skin in any way, shape or form.

Yeah, not at all. Then some other newsmen who are sitting

in an office, they get a phone call that a giant egg is floating off

the shore. Well, this fisherman boss says, hey, the fishing's

been bad. Send the fisherman out there to get the egg, because technically they

own it. It's on their waters. So the news hits the

papers about the egg, and a scientist is checking out the egg

as the reporter and the camera lady are questioning them. And all

of a sudden, a local businessman come up saying he bought the egg from

the fisherman and he charge peeps to view it.

Later on, the newsman, the lady and

the lady photographer and the scientist. Oh, I'll just

call the three. The three. They're trying to figure out how to stop evil businessman

from doing business. And then as they're

leaving their hotel, they see the businessman in the lobby.

Mr. Business meets with another guy. We'll call him CEO

Business. And they're going to build a park around the egg when it

hatches and make billions of yen. Okay, that's just what

they. Because businessmen have business plans that

need to be stopped by activist kids. Like, it's very paint

by numbers in the plot here. It's fine. It's businessmen thinking

they can just buy living things that aren't like, you know, their property.

Yeah, yeah. It's very much descriptive

of how capitalism is bad, but also is very much

dismissive of how people are acknowledging that capitalism is bad at

the same time. Exactly. Then all of a sudden to.

The twin fairies of Mothra show up and they plead

for eggs return. The two dudes try to grab them, but they

are able to escape. Well, the. The other. The. The three

are in the forest and they meet the twins and tell

them about their island, Infant island, and how it was attacked,

it was used with nuclear testing, and they really want

the egg back. And they tell them also about Mothra, that it's Mothra's

egg. And then we even get to see Mothra because they brought the twins there.

So the three tried to convince the businessmen to give the eggs

come out to try to convince them, but all the businessmen want to do

is buy the twins from the three. I mean, these are living.

These are people. Maybe they're small fairies, but they're.

They're. They're autonomous people. And I'm like, geez, businessmen, what do you

think this is? America in the 1700s or America in the

1800s? Or America or America in the 1900s? Or current

America? God damn it. All right, never mind. Yeah, Sentient beings

being enslaved for the profit of others is never going to

go away. It's just basically traded on a different scale. Yeah,

but you know, still, it's hurtful.

It's hurtful when that's my country that I just was talking about.

So then the twins, they. They're all trying

to figure out what they want to do, and the twins then disappear.

The three go in the forest and find they're leaving with Mothra.

Very sad. But, you know, thank the three for trying to help them.

Then we see the main business dude, he. The fishermen

all want their money that, you know, for rent of their land and everything.

And so he calls up other business dud, because he saw that business dude

has a shit ton of like, liquid cash just laying around.

And that dude is like, well, I suppose I could give

you some money if you put up the egg for collateral. And he's kind of

pissed, but he ends up having to do it. That dude is a fucking

loan shark. He's in the mafia. That's why he's

cash liquid. And that's why he takes the deal that he takes,

because he is fleecing businessman 1 with his stupid fucking mustache.

Yeah. Oh, yeah, he definitely is. So then we cut to,

the egg is actually being incubated and that's the end of

the first 30 minutes. So not a lot of monster action, but more

just the real monsters, man. I think you would probably

be grateful that you didn't have to cover the English dub of

this for one simple fact, that in the English dub,

the little twin ladies say return the egg about a billion fucking times.

Oh, really? Yeah. They say very little in this dub,

but their voice is still very much that high pitched thing.

And the return the egg happens so much that if you watch the English language

dub of this, it will get stuck in your head. In a way,

decades later in your life, you will still hear when you see them in this

film, return the egg over and over again. Oh, God. Yeah.

All right, now I'm pretty happy that I didn't have that. Yeah, I'm all right.

I also think that this is the better cut of the film. I mean,

obviously it's the more complete cut of the film. That's where I developed

my theory that that's what they went for in this box set. And it was

often the Japanese Language version. Because this is the most complete version

of this film that I think I've ever seen is from this box set.

Nice. Yeah. But I think you're right. Yeah. We can move on.

I just. That's all I wanted to point out. I'm good. All right, cool.

All right, the next 30 starts. The reporter and photographer lady.

They get called by the scientist. They go to his office,

and they got to be decontaminated because they were pouncing

with radiation from that piece of, you know,

totally not Godzilla that they found. Yeah, it definitely is not Godzilla skin.

Even though it looks exactly like Godzilla skin. Like it's just one

simple cell off of a Kai you. But it's definitely not that. Even though it

has the same radiation signature as Godzilla, it's definitely not that. No,

it's. It's definitely not that. So not that.

What are you crazy? We're a bunch of dicks. We really

are. All the time. So then they go back to the

storm site where they found it. And as they're looking like the.

Everything's being reconstructed. And the actual.

The. The councilman comes back and he's.

He's pretty mad that, uh, they're trying to search for radiation.

So he' like, no, you know, I don't want any more searching. Get the hell

out of here. All that kind of shit. Yeah, because he doesn't want his site

regulated or controlled. He wants to be able to build on a site. And if

there's radiation there and it can harm people, that's going to fuck up his

plans for business. Yeah, and, and, and you got to

have business. Business is always more important than the health and

safety of the populace. Duh, duh. Of course it is.

It's how I view life. Yep. Because I'm a capitalist.

No, you're not. Let's move on. No. All right. So anyway,

then all of a sud. The earth begins to quake. Nothing seems too

good right now. And they, they get the

Godzilla pops up and everyone's afraid and

they all start running and he starts destroying cities. And this Godzilla

must just be waking up because Godzilla, he's a bit clumsy right

now. He gets his tail caught like a large tower.

Like a cell phone tower. Not cell phone tower, but like a radio

tower. And all that falls, and then he falls into a

building. So it's just a whole lot of, you know, for Godzilla.

But he's destroying cities. This would be comedic relief if it weren't him destroying

a fucking city. And this is the same

Godzilla from Godzilla vs Kong, I believe like, this is after the

fight, he just somehow got buried underneath the mud in the ocean

from that fall. And. Yeah, then, like, the water in the ocean

sitting on top of him was holding him in place. And I think he just

kind of went to sleep. He just kind of hibernated. He was just kind of

done right. And then this businessman trying to harvest this land

by pumping out all of the water, uncovered the Godzilla that was resting there,

and bada boom, bada bing. He's a resurrected because of business.

Bada boom, bada bing. So then

the news folks are all talking like, well, maybe we can get Mothra to help

us. And so the three go to Infant Island.

It is decimated by atomic testing, you can see, and they're

taking away by some natives who capture

them. They meet with the tribal leaders and they ask for help, but are told

no because, you know, of what has been done to their land.

And so, you know, why. Why would we help you guys at. Can't say

I blame them. Nope, that's. I mean, that's. That sounds pretty legit,

you know, right there. It's like, yeah, you guys, you sort of fucked everything

up. Thanks. So then the twins

show up, and they really do just, like, their best to

convince the twins. You know, not everyone on the island is.

Is guilty of this. There are a lot of innocents who are also dying.

So then Mothra does agree to help them.

However, it will be Mothra's last thing that Mothra does, because she

is dying. And the egg needs to be returned because she

basically. Yeah, not necessarily incubate, but also, like,

pass on her life force. Yeah, because Mothra

will always continue. Right. She clones herself with her

eggs and then passes on her memories to the new versions of

her, I guess. Yeah, it's very much like Spock,

you know, his body and in number three.

So. Yeah, I guess. I know. So anyway,

Mothra agrees to help, but it will be the last thing, as Mothra will die.

And that is the end of that. Thirty minutes before we go to the final.

Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what they meant by Mothra never really dies,

and that, like, there's a whole bunch of, like, weird, mystical stuff

that they try to explain but also just kind of pass over. And I think

it probably is something cultural that already makes

sense, that they're just kind of explaining that this is how Mothra exists.

Right. That, you know, if we were part of

that culture, that that explanation would work a lot quicker for us. But in the

way that they do it, we're Kind of like. Hey, wait, What? How exactly does

the consciousness transfer? How does Mothra never die but also gives birth? Yeah,

yeah. You know, just. Just. You're supposed to believe it.

All right? And is it plot? Mothra also needs

some plot armor now. So. Right, so like, essentially,

Mothra is going to die anyway. So if Mothra dies fighting with

Godzilla and trying to save and protect the egg,

the egg doesn't hatch until Mothra dies. Is that what they're trying to say?

And then that's how it transfers from one Mothra to the next for her consciousness.

But, like, if Mothra never dies, that implies that the consciousness that identifies

as Mothra will continue. Yeah, I think you're talking to this until

you go cross eyed. No, I'm not cross eyed. Now, granted,

I'm taking hits in between things that I have to say here while I'm thinking

about this. And I'm not in any way, shape or form trying to pad out

your episode by asking you these questions, considering that we've already covered an hour of

the film in 20 minutes. Like, that's not what's happening at all. Yeah, no,

that's not happening at all. I'm just trying to ask.

How dare you. I'm not even suggest it. I'm just asking you.

Matt, is in some way, shape or form, Mothra truly a God and

supernatural, and therefore not a true Kaiju, but in fact some

type of demi God whose consciousness passes through

sort of like a phoenix. Instead of burning up and then rising again from the

ashes, it gives birth to an egg, which then becomes

the same Mothra with the same consciousness. So was the

moment of transfer when the old Mothra dies? Then the new egg hatches and immediately

remembers everything that the old Mothra knew? I don't think so. I think

it's still a Kaiju. It does all the things you just said. But that's that

particular Kaiju's ability. Okay, so that rebirth is

one of Mothra's. Godzilla has obviously regeneration.

Regeneration. And it. Can you

breathe atomic fire? Mothras is. Hey, listen. I can

flap my wings causes wind. I have poison pollen. And I

can transfer my myself to my offspring. Well, so I never really

die. What we do know for sure is that Mothra's wings

can generate wind powerful enough to level skyscrapers.

It's even more powerful than what Rodan has, should she

choose to use it. We do know that for a fact. We've seen that in

Mothra's film, where she just destroys an entire city with the flap of

her Wings. The. The poison shells thing is apparently something that happens

when Mothra is ready to die. We did just learn that. That is absolutely true.

You know what I'm saying? So we got that much down. We understand what's

going on with that much for Mothra. My thought is if

Mothra never dies, but a physical body is always dying,

that would infer that a consciousness has to transfer because something of

Mothra needs to be. But what you're telling me is that every Mothra is

born the same from this line, like a phoenix, where it never really

dies. It just replicates itself. And then the old body go.

That's what I believe. That's gonna leave a lot of fucking Mothra carcasses

the size of Mothra everywhere. Like, how many? Maybe, like biodegrades

quickly. So we're gonna have to have a biodegradable Kaiju that rebirths

itself. And again, I'm just trying to get into the minutia to try and understand

it because Mothra's powers are extremely fascinating to me. Because,

of course, as I mentioned before, I feel that Mothra is extremely

underrated because she has very weird and mysterious powers that surface up

here and there. And it's always just played off as like. No,

she's always had them. She's just too kind to.

Right. Like the poison scales thing makes sense in this case because this is like

a dying Mothra. That she is using the last of her abilities. And that just

so happens that her dying cells are poisoned to someone else when she sets them

on them is what they were getting. Yeah, right. I get that. Yeah. Yeah.

I don't know. I tried to pad it out, but I really only gave us

like, three more minutes. So why don't we just move on to closing it out?

I mean, holy shit. What are we doing around here? I don't know. How am

I already at my final 30 now? You're right. We gotta. We gotta

book this. Hey, listen. All right. Actually, this gets going a little bit more

because the final 30s, where all. The action is right, we went through the story

plots that you can move through very quickly, but when the actual battles start to

happen, we're going to have a lot more dense discussion. That is obvious. Yeah,

exactly. The final three starts well. We cut back to Japan and they are trying

anything they can think of to stop Godzilla. They're coming up with a shock

Godzilla plan because electricity hurts Godzilla.

So then we see the three. They get to the

side of the egg, and the boss dude left. He was really pissed off.

Well, he shows up at the other business dude's hotel

and he lost everything. Apparently he's flat broke now and he starts.

They start beating the out of each other. And then after

he sets, he knocks down the other business dude, main business dude goes

to steal all that other dude's money he saw. And as he's doing it,

the other dude laying on the ground, sees Godzilla coming right at the hotel.

So he grabs a gun, shoots the other businessman, killing him, and grabs

all the money. But before he can get out of the hotel, Godzilla missteps

and actually lands into the hotel, crumbling it. So there you go,

another clumsy Godzilla. I want to point out that

that throwdown where the guy that is realizing he's being,

you know, fucking extorted and cheated and just fleeced

by the Mafioso dude beats the ever loving shit

out of him to the point where he could have probably killed the guy,

but he stops just short. And he should have, because then that guy

just obviously just kills him for money anyway. Yes, he does. And then Godzilla

is all of them. Yeah, but they're both murdered, which they should have been because

they're both bad people. Well, Godzilla is the force of capitalism in

this case, crushing both of them under its weight by having subsidies

and, you know, government welfare, of course. I mean, duh.

I mean, Godzilla's America. It's just that his atomic power is different now. How he's

yielding economic response to crush his enemies. Yeah, well,

you know what? As long as somebody's getting crushed around here,

fair. So, all right, so then Godzilla

is going to hit the egg. But then Mothra shows up, and here we have

our Kaiju fight. Mothra gets the upper hand first using

its wings to kind of up Godzilla and then using its

poison pollen to, you know, really get

that shit down and settled and really looks like.

Go ahead, Mothra. The force of the downforce of the wings that Mothra

is using here with the air blasting down on Godzilla, is essentially

pinning him the ground and he cannot get up. He is rolling around and

trying to get purchase and stand back up, but the downforce of the

blast of the wings coming at him is holding him in place and

making him to where he cannot move. Then she starts shedding the

scales while she's doing it, and the downforce is essentially

coating him yellow with that poison pollen stuff,

all in the same area where she's controlling it and just basically creating a dome

pocket where he's got nothing but poison, pollen, and downforce holding him in

there in a vortex. And he Is it at this point?

And it is unbelievable how powerful she is with just the downforce

of her wings. Yeah, it's. But it's fucking awesome. Like, you know,

I always wondered, how is Mothra, you know,

strong or anything? Because, again, I haven't seen a whole ton of them,

but that was good stuff. Yeah, It's. It's important to point out

that just with the flap of her wings, she can subdue Godzilla in

this fight. And the poison is just basically her trying to deal with

him because she's going to die anyway, so she's just going to use her cancerous

cells to take him out, or try to, anyway. Y. Exactly.

So anyway, but then Godzilla looks like he's about ready

to get his ass beat, uses his atomic breath, and this kills Mothra,

who lands with her wing above her egg and dies.

Well, we move now to the military trying to bomb Godzilla with little to

no effect. And then we see the twins and the

native people are all trying to make the egg hatch by

singing, doing dancing, doing, you know, all kind of

stuff. Whatever they can do to make this, you know, make this happen.

I would argue that they are transferring the consciousness from the dying

body of Mothra to the egg. Mothra, and therefore resurrecting

Mothra. Because why else would this tribe be constantly needing to do

all this ritualistic stuff to get Mothra to do anything other than it's

supernatural? Yes, but they are definitely trying to get that egg

to hatch. Yeah. Whether or not what I said is true, this is what these

people believe. They need to do this to get the egg to hatch somehow.

Well, now we see the army is going to go for Operation Plan B.

No, Operation B. They dropped some nets on Godzilla

because that's what you do to Godzilla. Apparently, he's susceptible to

giant nets. Well, they tried a tiger pit again after it failed in my

movie. And then now they're dropping nets on him.

Yes. And then afterwards, they use the

electricity and they start shocking the shit out of him, which look like

it's getting ready to work. But they use up too much power, and it starts

shorting everything out. And then he's able to fry everything else with his breath.

He melts tanks and everything. Some really good effects in this one.

They definitely threw way more money at making this one than the last

one. So anyway, they begin evacuations. You can

see Godzilla Runner, you know, marching around, and some guy

is really starting to freak out. He's like, hey,

I need to get back to the island. I need to get back to the

Island. And everyone's like, why? Why? And he's like, there's a teacher and

10 students still on the island over there.

Because, you know, why not? Of course children

are going to be forgotten. Field trip. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So,

yeah, everyone's so. Everyone's like, oh my God. Then you

know, of Godzilla is destroying the area.

And then we see the egg hatches it. Two larvae

came out. So they have twins now. So now which one does Mothra go into?

Or is it both? I just don't know. I think it's the same consciousness

because they work together as if they are the same mind. Yeah. The three

go to the town and it's destroyed. And they help the man who is like

yelling about having to get to the kids. He's buried under stuff.

They get him out and he tells about the kids. So they decide to go

to the island. Island to help them. We see Godzilla's heading towards the

island, but so are the larva. The larva Godzilla fight.

The larva are pretty much just bukkaking Godzilla

with their webbing. That's fair, but it still doesn't

feel right. Does it feel right? But it's what they're doing.

I mean, they're trying to imprison him in the silk. Yes, but I can't.

I mean, I get why you said it the way that you said it,

because it's the grossest, most uncomfortable way you could have said it. But, like,

it just. That's what I'm doing around here. Yeah, we can move on. That's just

fucking gross. It is gross. But it' it looked like it

happened. It's not the kind of porn that I thought I'd be into, but now

I want to watch Kaiju bukaki porn. Yeah, sorry, that's. I mean, I.

I didn't try to make any wind do it. If this were the old days,

that would be the mother of all clips for me, by the way. Yeah,

right. That's true. So,

you know, and he tries to fight. He can't really use his atomic

breath, but he's trying to use his tail to like, knock rocks into

the larvae. But they keep blocking or. Or ducking

and then they keep shooting the stuff. Well, the trio,

they sa all. All the children and the teacher and

get them out of there. Godzilla finally trips.

Too much webbing on him. He falls, and he starts sinking into the

sea. As the larvae leave with the twins and

they're going to head back to Infant island, the three peeps are talking.

And the scientists said that the Only way they can thank them is by building

a better world. And holy. I don't know how long

we've been going, but it ain't long enough. Roll credits. Yeah,

no kidding. Cinema PsyOps 10

years. All right, we just hit 32 minutes. And like I said,

your film was going to go very quick because we only had subtitled version

of it, and you told the story as efficiently as possible. But that's essentially

what happens. The egg washes up on shore. Businessman claims

it for his own, decides to basically turn it into

a tourist spot once the egg hatches, gets involved with a

mafiosa guy who rips him off and fucks him over. Our activist kids

that are trying to actually save the egg get involved with the miniature

girls. Once they escape from the evil, bad businessman,

they start working with the twin fairy girls and trying to

get the egg rescued. That's basically reversed.

The egg washing up in Japan, where Godzilla happens to be.

Ends up signaling Godzilla, and he's coming to destroy the egg.

They don't really come right out and say that in the film,

but essentially, Godzilla is attracted by the fact that there's another

Kaiju around, and he wants to fuck up that egg. He doesn't want that egg

to exist. Right. He's like, fuck you, egg. I'm the only Kaiju

around here. Right? He scramble that motherfucker for breakfast. That's what

his plan is, right? At this point. Yeah, that's what he wants to do.

The Mothra wants the egg back so that it can continue

and transfer its consciousness or whatever it is that that's supposed to be happening.

Yes, we've already covered that as well. See, I'm doing it all again even faster

than what we just did. We're doing all of it here.

We're trying to help. Yeah, the plot. This is how it happens.

Right? And so Mothra comes over whenever they finally give

up and beg for Mothra to help anyway, which the island people help convince.

Mothra fights God. We talked about the downforce thing that ends up

happening for Mothra, fucking up Godzilla. Godzilla does, in fact, burn Mothra.

And as we see, whenever he atomic breaths something,

even Mothra, as mighty as she is. Yes. She's at the end of her life

cycle here in this film. One atomic blast is what does her in.

Finally, that's all it takes. Like, that's literally all it should

take. It's atomic fire. It's the. It's concentrated atomic

burns. Like, come on, man. What else.

What else do you want from him? Yeah, every Time he breathes out, it's like

an atomic burn bomb going off into a direction that he is blasting.

Like that's what he's breathing at things. It should kill pretty much

everything in sight and. Or melt it and destroy it. And yes, it should leave

radiated scorched earth wherever it leads for fucking ever.

Right? Like it's pure devastation. That's what

this beast is supposed to be. He is supposed to be the bad guy.

How doesn't everyone just have cancer?

Well, like the legendary people find a way around it in

that the Kaiju's distinct radiation

ends up having an effect on like plants growing

in an area and nature basically taking back over like the cityscapes,

like where the Kaiju had destroyed, have a bunch of vegetation growing up

and like essentially turned into like the wild jungle, you know,

wherever the cities were destroyed and shit. And like they revitalize

or bring back like the earth wherever they've trod or something like that with

their radiation signature or what have you. But that's a

very. That's legendary. That has nothing to do with Toho.

I think what they end up doing is, yes, Godzilla leaves radiation behind,

but as much as he's traversing back and forth across Japan, you are absolutely

right. The entirety of the country should be heavily irradiated. And how are they

dealing with this? But they never really dig into it between movie

to movie. It's just. I guess maybe they just have everyone step in that machine

the scientist has. They get decant contaminated. Oh, you know

what, it's like whenever they bug bomb your house, they tent the

entirety of Japan and then just blast that anti radiation stuff

after he leaves. That's what they do. Yeah, I'm sure that's what happens.

No, it's not something that's ever fucking discussed. But you would think that that would

be the case that like he's blasting atomic breath and setting fire to Tokyo

and yet the next movie Tokyo's rebuilt. Right. Or he'll do it to a saka

and then like two movies later, which, you know, it's right back.

And how long has it been since the last time that they rebuilt the entirety

of the fucking city, you know? Right. And I don't know, I just think everyone

has cancer in this goddamn show. I just can't see

how they don't. Well, yeah, yeah, something bad has got to

be happening with this particular breathing lizard that just hangs around your island

and just wrecks your. Anytime prosperity starts to prevail on your

land. I mean, that's very clearly what the United States was doing in Japan anyway.

So, yeah, at least at this point.

Remember, we're all. We're all. We're all shitheads.

Jesus Christ. We're only at 37 minutes. This will 100% be the

shortest show we have ever done. Good Lord almighty. And we did the entirety of

the plot almost twice. So I don't know what else we're supposed to do.

Right. Like. Yeah, I'm not really aware.

Yeah. But we just did do the plot. Unfortunately. It's a very simple

plot. Yeah. I do want to actually talk a little bit about the model

work. That's something that we should probably do the model work in. This is absolutely

incredible. The tiny little egg and the facility that's built around it.

All of the facilities that Godzilla goes stomping through. The radio tower. He trips

on it all looks like a two scale building

to put him in perspective. And very detailed.

And the models, even people in this film, like little

plasticky people that from the distance that they're at,

when they cut to the shots of the actual people at that building in

some way, shape or form, it actually looks like. And lines up

just enough to where if you're not looking too close, it still tricks your brain

when you push the I believe button. Everything is so detailed

in this film. And that's what really sells the suits in this.

Godzilla's suit is essentially the same, or looks a lot like the

same one from the 1962 King Kong vs Godzilla.

The Mothra looks like a more tooled up version of the Mothra

from Mothra. Like a little bit more cleaned up and everything. Yeah,

but they look gorgeous. I absolutely love

the look of the monsters in this film. Everything looks fantastic.

Again, I'll get into it. The budget was 123 million yen.

The box office score. They claim that Japanese.

Japanese estimate 3.2 billion yen is

what it made so a success, I would say. Well, both Mothra

and Godzilla solo films, I think did actually pretty well.

Like they did both, obviously rather well. And King Kong versus

Godzilla also was pretty big too. And obviously

that budget was. You know, you could tell it was a little bit less for

what they did with that film. And my perspective on that is a

little bit skewed anyway, just because of the way that the version that

we. I've always known is that version that we watched where

it's in English and it jumps around and it changes rules and things like that.

And it always bugs me. Like they do that a little bit more too.

Mothra gets expanded in her powers here. But just because we didn't hear

of those powers. Powers in the first movie doesn't mean that they didn't exist.

It just means that we didn't hear of them. And she didn't need them because

it was just, return my two little fairy twins or I'm going to wreck your

cities until you do. Yeah, that's also true.

You've got to do that. And this movie, it's Return my egg or Godzilla will

wreck your cities trying to find it and destroy it, or they will hatch and

wreck your cities trying to find me. Yeah, yeah,

exactly. But, hey, I mean,

at least you again, it looked great.

The movie was, you know, really fun to watch.

The Kaiju battles were awesome. Mothra owns Godzilla

for a lot of it, too. I'm a big G fan through and through,

but Mothra really owns Godzilla through a lot of this.

A lot of it. Like, really, Godzilla only has one

thing, and it. He uses his. His blast. And that's the only.

It's really like Mothra only could take one blow while

Godzilla was at full strength and Mothra was dying. But Mothra gave

Godzilla all he could handle, and then he landed his one blow. And that's

all it took to kill Mothra. Yeah, yeah. That's a really accurate way of

describing it. I kind of would have liked to see one

of the caterpillar twins get burned by Godzilla so

that we have a way of telling them apart, like, so that they're like,

you know, becoming more individual characters. But they really did sell

them as like a single minded dual beast,

you know? Yes. Where they're like the creepy twins from the Shining, where they're like,

hello, daddy. They talk to each other, you know. Hi, Danny, come play

with us. Right? It's like, hello, Godzilla. Why don't you get books cockied

up in our silk? What the hell?

You know what I mean? It's like super creepy. What are you doing?

Step Godzilla. Kaiju bukkake porn

is not something I wanted to ever end up in a Google search, but now

it will. I say it enough and people are going to look it up.

Yeah, it's. That's the thing. Kaiju bukaki porn. It exists. That's the

thing is like, I know it exists. It's out there. I don't want it to,

but I know it does. And I'm going to find it, and. I don't want

to. Yeah, yeah. This is definitely a thing now. It's a thing.

It is. It is a thing. Thank you. Yeah. Wow.

We Actually made it to 42 minutes. That means with your story time of what

happened in Icemageddon, that'll put us at about an hour. What do you think?

All right. Finally something good.

No, this movie was fucking terrific. I wish we could spend a lot more time,

but like we said, the plot, it goes very quickly. We discussed all

the various points of everything that we loved about it. And this is a fun

fucking watch. I can't 100% recommend that everyone

should watch King Kong vs Godzilla. I don't know if everybody's going

to enjoy that. But I think if you're really looking for a good Kaiju film,

a Japanese version, if Mothra versus Godzilla is the

way to go of the two. If you can only watch one of the two,

go with that one. And that'll give you a better idea of what these Kaiju

movies are like. Yes, agreed. Yeah. And it's

definitely. Of this week's two, this is the superior of the two films.

And I'm a little jealous that I gave you the notes because I didn't want

to do the clip. I wanted clips. I didn't want to have to work.

Oh, yeah, he didn't want to have to do all the notes. Yeah, I gotcha.

No, I wanted King Kong versus Godzilla, for obvious reasons. Well,

yeah, I mean, it's more of the famous. Like, the two most famous Kaijus

facing off. And also, I wanted to make all the drug jokes that were available.

That's also a good one. All right, speaking of drugs, we're gonna

go ahead and play on the pirate radio, edit the Beach Boys. I get around.

And when we come back. Oh, my God. The chicken

acts as, like, a conduit. And it's like when the flux capacitor.

Sounds like a clock capacitor. That's fucking stupid.

It's cluck capacitor. Yeah, I guess.

So. It's a clock capacitor. What else are you gonna call it? I don't know,

bro. You don't use a chicken to travel through time.

Look, maybe I can communicate with it. I'm gonna hook it up to your brain,

and let's see what happens when I do you. Man, that's my fucking

brain. Don't with me, all right, look, I've had about enough of this shit from

you. You're a fucking robot. The security protocol 53.

Yes, master. I will be glad to hook my brain into the

Time Chicken. We shall see what will happen when the Time Chicken and

I are completely one. Exactly. Let's do this.

I don't like this. I'm not so sure I enjoy this

either. Yeah. Okay, so the chicken's

stupid. It really is just a clock capacitor. Did you open?

I think I might like that. Okay, connections are done.

Security protocol. God damn it. Why did I let him

pick this number? 69. That's the

best. No, that's probably why it works. Okay, look,

we're gonna figure out what's going on with this time chicken. Once we

do, we're gonna really sock it to hail Ming.

Now, as Matt is gonna more than likely mention to you in his story time,

ain't nobody getting around very efficiently in Omaha on Friday night in Icemageddon.

Yeah, no, no, not at all. Hang on, hang on. Because you

actually have to get the song for your story time. I got to.


Story time.

Story time. Okay, now you can go on.

Fine. So my story time is also the ice storm

of Megan.

So for me, I knew we were going to get, like, freezing drizzle

and stuff. You know, it had been reported for, like, days. I just don't.

I don't think any one of us got had any idea how bad it was

going to be. I don't think a lot of people did. Obviously, we were only

expecting a half an inch, which is not that terrible for Omaha streets because of

the texture that. The way that it's laid down. You know, you can

actually maybe get around okay as long as you're careful. But what we got was

an inch and a half, which made ice rinks. Yes. So I

had to go run an errand, and I left at 4:30, and now it had

just rained a little bit, but there was, you know, it was still okay.

And then I was. It was about 5:15,

and I'm driving back home, and I. I had to slam my

brakes because somebody really stopped. And all of a sudden I slipped, and I'm like,

oh, that was quick. So then I'm,

like, really being careful, trying to get home. I get there.

I am freaked the hell out because I slipped one more time coming

home. And then I decided I was coming down. Now, my road is

a cul de sac, but there's a slight. As you know, you slightly

go downhill. It's not a big hill. It's like. It's just a slight thing.

It's a slight decline into the cul de sac itself.

Yeah, yeah. So I decided just give it a test. And sure enough, I slipped.

Like, just. I slammed on my brakes just trying to test it,

you know. And so I get home, and it's not terribly cold

yet. So I decided, you know what, I'm going to hang out outside and I'm

going to start watching this and have a cigar. So everyone

else in your family is home safe too, at this point? Yes, everyone's home.

Saf. I. No one's got any problems. I get to relax.

Finally. Cool. So I crack open a beer, pour myself a

bourbon, and I get. You know, I have a bar in my garage and

I just get sitting there, I watched some tv and I turn around and

I really go. It looks really shiny out. And I go, huh.

So I go up to my driveway, and it's already a nice rink. Now this

is. I got home and this is like maybe 15 minutes

later. So that's how quick all this happened. Yeah. You get home, you park,

you're in your garage, you're making your drink, you're relaxing. You haven't even changed

from this era and yet. And it's an ice rink by the time your drink's

done pouring, right? Yes. Yeah. Already everything.

And that is when it happens. Everyone else starts getting home. On my street,

one guy in a pickup truck, he's lucky his house is already all

the way at the end of the. Of the cul de sac. He literally

slid right into his garage. Oh, Jesus. Garage opened

up. Perfect out. Like, no damage, nothing. But he did slide.

Everyone else was slipping and sliding people across the street for me.

They parked up onto their. The grass. Like, you know, the,

the. The sidewalk grass area

that just was like doing this. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

All the way into their house because you couldn't even walk on the driveways or

anywhere. Yeah. There were people, like, there's videos of people driving up on

the curbs into the grass area because that was the only way to get traction

to get anywhere on the streets. Yeah. Another guy

whose driveway kind of tilts a little bit, didn't trust it

getting into there, so he parked on his actual lawn. Don't blame him.

Nope. I live in a neighborhood that's behind

a very heavily trafficked street in Omaha,

so I hear a lot from my area.

And I heard at least six different crunches.

Sirens for about a solid two hours where I

heard nothing but sirens. And then finally, by the time I got done with my

cigar, it was in. We're talking 7:30pm

on a Friday. By the time I get done with my cigar, it was such

an eerie quiet. I don't. I think finally everyone got the idea and

no one was out on a Friday night. But I didn't Hear anything.

And I thought that was the creepy damn thing. Yeah. Yeah.

For a solid. My entire cigar probably lasted for an hour and a half.

And throughout that hour and a half, man, it was just solid chaos that

I was so happy I was at home. Yeah.

We heard helicopters hovering over us up until. Yeah,

up until about 7 because they were like trying to look for accidents or people

that couldn't call for help or whatever to. In I live. Yeah,

I know. At least the medical helicopter went back

and forth a few times for places. So who knows for what I.

From what they estimate, Friday night to Saturday morning,

550 wrecks were reported. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad I stayed

put. Yeah. Yeah. Holy. All the videos that came in

were insane. Just craziness. Yeah. But yeah,

that's my ice beginning. It was just. Even just watching my own street

and seeing the madness of that. And then, yeah, I was just like,

oh, I was happy to be home. Yeah.

And we started watching the videos after that like. Like as Joe Bob was

coming in. And then I offhandedly talked to my wife about how the Christmas movie

the Ice Harvest would be perfect to watch this season because we experienced that during

our season. No shit.

Yeah, it was. It was a horrifying night. And I'm. I'm was

really disappointed and sad that I didn't get to go out in my fancy outfit

and like, wow everybody and like, you know, my beard was all nice

and mine is not the only Friday night that was ruined like that. But hopefully,

other than obviously the people that you mentioned that are already part of accidents,

hopefully everyone was safe and sound that night. That could possibly have been.

Because that could have been really ugly if people were really coming home any

later than that. Imagine if that would have hit later at night and people like

not realizing how bad it was going to be. After being out for the night.

Yeah, yeah. Like 11pm midnight and all of a sudden you

come out and everything's just an ice rink. Yeah, that would have been terrifying.

Yeah, you would have been like walk to a hotel downtown. If you were downtown

or something. People would have been dead. It would have been a terrifying night.

It happened at just the right time. Or it could have been so much worse.

Yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely. Well, look at that.

We've almost padded it out to an hour. Once I add in the full music

and everything, maybe we'll actually hit like a. A full hour from this. That'd be

great. That'd be. That'd be awesome. All right. With that, we're gonna

play the Story time. And immediately following that, on the pirate radio edit, also from

1964, the band the Kinks with the song All

Day and All of the Night on the pirate radio edit right after this.

If you've decided you can't. Yellow.

Hey, man, how's it going? Not too bad. Look, this Time Chicken is

taking up all of my time. I know we're supposed to be recording here soon

for our next series, but I don't know what the fuck to do.

I. I kind of sort of ran into him here in the bunker. He's just

standing there staring at me. Dude, the Time chicken is right here

in front of me. But it's right here, too. It's all here, feathers and all.

Everything's fine. I'm staring at the goddamn thing and it's looking at me with this

beady little robot eyes. Robotic Time Chicken?

Yeah, the Robotic Time Chicken. Okay, were you looking at my

plans and you're fucking with me. No, I'm serious. There's a robotic time sticking

staring at me with his red beam eye.

Okay, you're experiencing time fluctuations. Oh, God damn

it. I see me. You don't have an eye patch, do you? Yeah, why do

I have an eye patch? Oh, shit. The time fluctuations are getting

worse than what I thought. Is that really what my ass looks like? God damn.

I need to go on a diet. Actually, that you has lost a lot of

weight. You look significantly fatter than that. Oh, God damn

it. Dude, something starting to happen with the Robot Time

Chicken. What's it doing? It's vibrating it.

Making what? I can only assume a robot chicken thinks

a real chicken makes a sound. It's a lot of clicking.

It sounds like when a clock's ready to go bad. No,

that's just techno. It does that. That's how it tries to communicate now.

It tries to communicate through techno? It's a long story. I hooked it up

to Robot Court's brain. Robot Court? High on, like,

ecstasy or something. They're robots. They don't get high on ecstasy.

We just program them to feel like that. Oh, okay.

I don't know. Anyway, it's doing something and there's more me.

There's, like, three more. Okay, have you seen the one dressed in

army fatigues that's missing an arm? Let's see here.

There's one in a leather suit with a daddy necklace.

So I'm gonna have to really have a conversation with him

to find out what the hell's going on. That's you from three weeks ago.

God damn it. I Gotta really put the bottle down. And then there's

one. He is in a nice three piece suit, full head of air and he's

thin. That's an alternate timeline. You. That one's gonna correct itself.

Oh, fatigues. Military fatigues guy. Yep, There he is. He's coming

through. One arm or both arms? So what are you trying to tell me?

Don't let him know. Know what? That he. He has one arm in a future

version of himself. What do you say about my arm?

Nothing. Nothing. Don't worry. Don't worry about it.

Fucking A. I love the Kinks and a. I'm gonna pad out this

episode with extra songs for extra moments or extra bit of time

for the Kinks to play. All day and all of the night. Hells yeah.

Not just to pad out the episode either. Just because the Kinks kick

ass and the pirates do kick ass. Have that on there.

Yes. Well, we're going to have to close out

the episode at some point in time. And so I decided to give you a

double dose of the Beach Boys on one episode on the pirate

radio edit with the kickass song. Don't Worry baby. To close it

out. So go ahead and enjoy that while you kick the out of this week

and make it your going on my arm.

It's a long story, but that version of you joined a militia

and he blew it off. Off in a drunken stupor with a snowblower.

That's my right arm, man. That's the. You know, the keeping busy arm.

Yeah, I know. Try not to become him. Good idea.

Have you seen any other versions of me? Oh yeah,

you got a robot head. Rest of you is a human robot headed court.

Your beard however is a magnificent set of razor

blades. So you look pretty happy. I don't know what that's about.

Okay, okay. This paradox generator that I've created out of

chicken is not working out so well. Okay, listen, I'm going

to shut down the paradox generator that I have hooked up to the chicken right

now. I hope so, because it's really starting to get rank in here.

3, 2, 1. And we should have normalcy.

Everything's clear in here. Do you have both arms? Yes. Close your

left eye. Yes. Got everything. Now close your right eye. Now I can't see

anything. Oh, you don't have a left eye. I don't have a left eye.

Shit. All right, dude, I'm gonna have to call you back. I'm gonna get this

fixed somehow. What about my left fucking eye? If I get it fixed, we'll be

Back to full normalcy for us. And I'm willing to sacrifice

an eye for you. Why do I have an extra finger? Oh, that's absolutely no

problem. You're actually just a clone. Self destruct mechanism 53.

Yep. There we are. Yeah. All right. Well, let me get

started with this then. Recording in progress.

There we go. And we are rolling on backup and normal

and second backup and then third backup and then.

Holy. Do you need this one? Fourth backup. They're all rolling. Yeah. They.

We need all the backups.

Yeah. Because especially since we're all on our own and your notes on

this one. I'm a little scared. Yeah. Right. We don't have a clip to correct

us whenever you try to convince everyone that a Mothra is birthed. Not unlike

a Cambrian entity of a monster

from Tremors. Multi cycle.

Multi life. Yeah. Yeah. But it's.

It's. It's Mothra. Yeah, well, Mothra is birthed that way.

So, you know, there is a caterpillar and all of that stuff and eggs and.

We'll get into it when we get in it. Let's. Let's just fucking do it.

What do you think? All right. All right. Let's do it. All right.

Episode 490. Mothra versus Godzilla.

Three, two, one. Sorry,

just. Businessman tried to kidnap the fairies for more. Yeah.

Yeah. It just did my own joke and got lost then.

And I'm a dick. He keeps losing his spot in his notes because you know

me, right? That's okay. It makes great Freel takes. It's fine. All right. I'm happy

I can help. Okay. There we go. All right.

So let's see here. So. Okay. But they get them.

So then. But I have the budget right here.

I like doing this. I was gonna. I'll wait till the end to

see what the budget is and what they made. I'm gonna do that with my

movies from now on. Okay. Go for it. Once I can find

at least. It may seem ludicrous that even in the absolute dumbest

of scenarios a chicken could be imbued with a time traveling ability if accepted.

Accepting that a chicken could even be capable of creating time travel cannot

be believed. One could therefore never accept that same chicken would somehow

be harnessed by an alien invading force to use in order to

record a podcast in the year of each film from a planet that invading

force was sent to destroy. If this bit of multiverse factoid

is too much for you to accept, then there really is no point in us

then discussing how this same magical time travel chicken was so easily

stolen by a human from these aliens. That human was Coort Psyops.

Psyops Labs isolated and studied the Time Chicken's abilities and

began work on temporal manipulation and teleportation.

Court began combining his previous work on the Tachyon Destroyer,

designed to eliminate things from ever existing from a timeline, with the newly

discovered temporal teleportation abilities harvested from the Hail

Ming Time Chicken. These coupled bits of mad science gave this variant,

of course, the ability to target the existence of anything across any

dimension in space time and the multiverse of possible realities.

He chose to anchor things around every timeline and possible multiverse where

his podcast existed. He used the temporal teleportation Tachyon

Destroyer to remove all memory and convince the people he was never

a mad scientist and these were only sketches for his stupid show.

Well, we're gonna have to close out the episode at some point in time and

so I decided decided to give you a double dose of the Beach Boys on

one episode on the pirate radio edit with the kick ass song

Don't Worry Baby to close it out. So go ahead and enjoy that while you

kick the out of this week and make it your.

Oh God damn. That song just puts me at ease, man. Oh yeah,

that's good stuff. Yeah, nothing wrong with that. Yeah, I didn't want to

interrupt it, but I had to interrupt it so that I could stop this recording.


Cinema_PSYOPS_EP490: Giant Monsters FSU: Mothra vs.Godzilla 1964 (Main Feed)
Broadcast by