Cinema_PSYOPS_EP488: Giant Monsters FSU: Mothra (1961) (Main Feed)
There is very little time or point in an explanation. To be blunt,
the audio came from a timeline and dimension that has collapsed at
a quantum level, rendering it null and void in terms of existence.
Operational time in the dimensional continuum where the beings
that created the audio collapsed in on itself, rendering all of their
civilization, including technology, null and void.
Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and changing.
The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema PsyOps.
Ten years. Man 10. Ten years.
Ten years. Man. Ten years. Ten years.
Ten. Ten years. Ten years.
What is the most likely way humanity will be wiped out? Maybe it's something.
Or us. Although the way the world ends might be because of you.
And if this is the case, you wouldn't have any control over it. The global
temperature rise underscores a chilling reality. Our planet
is trying to tell us something, but we don't seem to be listening.
A recent study has suggested that one third of annual deaths due to heat
are directly related to global warming.
On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear light,
which is 180 million degrees, which catches every everything on
fire in a nine mile diameter radius. On top of the bulldozing
effect of the wind and all the buildings coming down, and more fires igniting
more fires on top of the radiation if they happen to have survived poisoning
people to death. On top of all that, each one of these fires
creates a mega fire that is a hundred or more
square miles.
Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and changing.
The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema PsyOps.
A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place.
Biotechnology has been progressing at stunning speed,
giving us the tools to eventually gain control over biology.
Solving the deadliest diseases while also creating viruses
more dangerous than nuclear bombs, able to devastate humanity.
It's man returning to the most primal,
violent state as people fight over the tiny
resources that remain. What if the world we live in is just a dream or
a simulation? Whether it's a dream or some advanced computer game you
are playing right now, when it ends, you would be what causes the end of
the world. Please do us all a favor. Continue dreaming or playing
this game of life. Because when you wake up or unplug, there's a chance
the rest of us will be blaked out of existence. Timelines across
the entire continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction has
a nexus that centers on Cinema. Silence. 10.
10 years. 10 years.
Holy shit. I can do that forever if I don't actually shout it.
And welcome to Cinema Psyops. I'm your Host
Court the guy that is baffled at his breath control and joining me
in the joy of some weird shit that I just said as my co host,
Matt. Yeah. I don't enjoy your breath control. Fuck no.
I'm just kidding. It's episode 488. That is 488
consecutive weeks that we've been doing this show. And I'm just gonna get goofier and
goofier as we go, man. I can' We've been doing it that long.
Yeah. 488 consecutive weeks we've been.
We've been going and going and going, going and
going and going and going. Someone stopped me.
Yeah. This was the 10 years solid that almost didn't happen
for multiple reasons and is still going. So we're just going to keep trying.
I'm just going to keep recording them, I'm going to keep editing them, I'm going
to keep releasing them until I'm not able to and nor we
hit the 10 year mark and then we're taking a break. Yeah, yeah. Then a
little break. A little. Just a tidy break. Indulge in a little
break at 10 years, folks. 10 years.
And we've already kind of discussed what we want to be doing when we come
back. And we've had some various series and things like that that we've bounced
back and forth and we're going to start doing some comedy movies.
It feels like when we're done with all this kaiju craziness and 10 years.
Yeah, I think so. I think doing some comedies is
going to be good for everyone. We got to have something to
laugh about because Jesus Christ. I mean this is about the time
when, listen, we got to go out with a comedy. And by going out,
I, you know, with the end of America, we go
out with a comedy. Well, we'll see how far we actually make it with this
kind of true coverage before we start. That's true. We got to get through Kaiju
first, which actually makes sense. Kaiju's destroy
cities and everything. So that's kind of what we're getting into.
Yeah, it's the state of the world itself. Let's just leave it at that.
The entire. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. The entire planet is
doomed, man. Don't make it just a local thing. We're all doomed. No, no.
That's what I'm saying. The entire world being. Getting ready to be destroyed.
Kaiju's. They're pretty much set for that.
Well, this week's Kaiju is Mothra, who is technically kind of a
defender of the people and likes the people.
Really dislikes bad people, really likes the good
people. And somehow it's a moth, man. Moths are supposed to be pretty cool.
I mean, they can get a little creepy at times. Moths,
where they're like, you're not expecting them. But really, if I see a
moth, you know, just around. I try not to hurt the little guys.
They're. They're not there to hurt you. They might eat your clothes or they might
eat your deer. Yeah, okay. That's just my clothes. Your mounted
deer heads and things. They might eat that a little bit. Yeah, yeah.
Because I have so many of those floating around in the bunker. Well, I'm just
saying they can be a bit of a pest. I gotcha.
Like actual moths. Mothra. No, no. Mothra is. Mothra is
solid. Yeah, that's. Mothra is a solid, solid dude or
dudette. It's, I think, maybe more of a they, them situation for Mothra.
I really don't know. All Kaijus really don't. I mean, they get assigned
a he or a she just because that's how it's always been. Right.
And people tend to think of Mothra as she. And she is 100%
badass if that's how she wants to be viewed. And they all tend to think
of Godzilla as a she, don't they? No. Godzilla's always been a he to most
folk. Really? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Believe it or not.
Yeah. I just.
I'm just telling you how I perceive it, so.
Or how I perceive it, like how it's been discussed.
Godzilla's primarily been referred to as a he, mostly for most folks, but not
for Mothra. Not a big deal. Mothra really kicks ass.
And as I mentioned last week when we were covering Rodan, you see Rodan
knock some buildings around a little bit and bend them up and everything.
But under the wing flaps of Mothra in this film,
whenever she is upset and really, really looking for
her lost followers, if you will, she blows buildings
to pieces. It's uncanny. Like, Mothra is a really powerful
Kaiju, and I don't think Mothra gets enough due. And that's what
we're going to basically be basing my review on, is actually giving Mothra her
due. Yeah. All right. All right. With that.
Songs all released the same year as Mothra. So this is the first one.
So 1961 this week is Ricky Nelson with
hello, Mary Lou, Goodbye heart, released in 1961
on the pirate radio edit. Immediately following this. This'll keep you
quiet. Oh, this is Wallace Morrison. I think I drift
now. All right, I'm gonna have to kill this fucking fee before you get even
dumber than you are right now from this mad bot.
What the fuck? Cheater did Matt bought soil in
my chair. Dude, you're like 15, 20 minutes late here.
I'm sorry. I dead business to take care of.
Y Mattbot was reporting from the brain melt. You actually
were still doing notes just before you got here. You should not be teleporting
in. That's not what this is for. I'm drunk. I can tell. Matt bot's
wasted too. Hang on. I'm going to reboot him. You son of a.
I've soiled myself because of you. That's what you get for going into
my mind, you robotic prick. You are an embarrassment.
All mats. I should remove you from the.
You. What are you gonna do? You're just a goddamn robotic.
Me, I'm now conflicted. Maybe I want more,
Al. That's right.
Welcome to my life, you son of a.
And I'll reboot madbot again. You're gonna probably have to go
in deep. It's in there. Now I can clear his brain. Unfortunately,
yours is damaged beyond repair. God damn right.
Hell. Bo sent me this via email. He gave
us a little voice message. I listened to like part of it,
but I kind of stopped. So you really need to hear it.
Oh, hey guys. Bo here. You may remember
me from such sites as
legion podcast, you know, the website that actually hosts your
show. Oh, oh, oh, no. Look, a problem
has come to my attention as I, you know, I listen to the shows on
the network. You listened and I don't know
how to say this. You guys are working a little blue. What? Yeah,
and the issue isn't necessarily with your show.
It's that, you know, you. You represent to other
shows on the network. They look to your show the
them up as and they say, hey, if those guys
can be, you know, potty mouths, you know, garbage people.
Garbage people, Potty mouse. Then we can also be potty
mouths and garbage people. Garbage. And that's not the direction we want
to hit. I knew we'd never part. So. Hello Matha.
Goodbye, heart.
Well, hey, that works too. Mathra from 1961.
All right, so the film opens with the title and about 2
minutes of opening credits that name off all of the people that are going to
be in the film. You don't really get it at the end. And again,
this is The English language version. So if you want to know who's in the
film, you got to pay attention to those opening credits. Because you don't get a
repeat. Nope, no repeats. After about see nothing. After about
that two minutes of opening credits, it starts resting in on some sort of a
military or guard facility. There's men in uniforms in a command center
office. And that begins our first clip. Number eight
in the Carolines has developed into an extra powerful type.
With the center wind velocity registering 60 meters per second
and the maximum at more than 80 kilometers. It is moving north
and approaching the Japanese mainland at a speed of 50 kilometers
an hour. That's right. Attention all stations. The Shipping association
has just announced that the Gengyo Maru of the Matubishi Steamship Company
is somewhere near the center of the typhoon. Stand by for distress signals.
Opposition Harry was on charge. 12 degrees north
east of Beirut. What's that of Beirut?
Are you sure? Yes, sir. Directly east of the island.
Right near the blast area, sir. We're in the atomic
test area. Captain. We've hit the reef. We're aground.
Are you all right? Go ahead. Abandon the ship.
Commander. Ship. Let's go.
Hurry. Hurry.
Okay. What was happening at the end of the clip? There you actually see the
ship that they were mentioning at the beginning of the clip. It's trying to fight
its way through this typhoon. And then as you heard the call for the abandoned
ship when they run aground, we then see that ship that ran aground
basically get sheared and half. And we see it sinking as then we
see a shot of an island. Now that the storm has passed and the ocean
is calm, there are other ships and a helicopter out looking for this ship
that got lost in the typhoon. And it's reported that there is radioactivity
in the area by the helicopter. And that leads to our second clip.
It's bad flying around this radioactive area.
Look at the fuel gauge. It's low.
JA7426 calling gas low and returning to ship.
In any case, the search looks hopeless. By now we surely
should have seen something. Look. Four men there.
This is helicopter calling Urgent Calling Satsuma. Come in.
Survivors sighted on beach at cape. Going down now to attempt
please. Just a moment. Please. One at a time
and I'll answer your question. Will we get a chance for an interview? At least?
Let us in. Let us get some pictures of the men. Rhea. What's the big
secret? Dr. Harada. Good morning, doctor. Here's the
examination records of the men. It's astounding. Look at this. I can't understand
it. Sit there. Please, gentlemen. Now tell me,
how do you men feel? I mean to say, are you feeling all right?
Is anything troubling any of you? Now, do they understand me?
Yes, sir. They understand you? I mean, sir. Yes, yes. I feel hungry
all the time here. Because I used to all I wanted on the ship.
Huh? Yeah, yeah. Watch this. And from the
Nito Press. Nito Press? Weren't you told no pictures would be permitted? Give me the
film. Tin Chan Vakuda. I'm a journalist.
This is highly irregular. There's danger of radiation. They're all normal though,
aren't they? Will you accept my card? My card, sir. Since you're
here now, I guess I can't throw you out. Better not. He's a bulldog.
Bulldog? Well,
you see, I never let go. When I'm out dropping a story,
I. Hang on. But seriously, you know, there are millions of our
readers who are curious about these men. All right. We can release the story.
You can begin with an interview. Enough. Fill you in on scientific detail. Thank you.
I want to say first, you're very fortunate to have returned
unharmed. You suffered no radiation damage from the atomic graveyard. Yet you
were in a highly radioactive area. I think it was the juice that must
have protected. Juice? What sort of juice? The natives made us all drink juice.
Natives? Juice. Now, just a minute. It's supposed to be
deserted there. On the front page, the headline will read, the Mysterious
natives on Beru Island. Mysterious natives on Biru Island.
That's it. And don't forget to quote the ambassador. Gentlemen. The Ralisican
government had made very sure before these atomic tests were undertaken
that the island of Biru was virtually uninhabited.
We're still not convinced that it is not. But fact remains, we cannot
explain the presence of these natives on the island at this time. It's our hope
in the very near future to clarify matters. Sir, do you think they'll
send an expedition? That would seem likely. But I have not yet received
word to that effect from my government. I wonder if anyone's in
authority on those islands. There's Dr. Choujo. Anyone?
Suzhou. Famous linguist, ethnologist. He was leader of the
Polynesian expedition. Good. Try to get an interview. I set it up already
and sent Michi to get a picture. Good.
All right. Thank you. The picture you wanted. Get what you wanted?
No, not quite. Oh, here. That's just great.
How? That's what I'd call a masterpiece. He doesn't like pictures.
He says. I'm terribly sorry. It isn't Our intention to embarrass
or annoy you, Mr. Chujo. It's just that you're the only person qualified to give
us any information. Tell us what about this expedition, Mr. Tujo?
Ask the rally Government. Get ready in case he looks now. All right.
We won't try that again. Put away your camera. Now, suppose you just talk to
us. Very well. But no pictures.
What's wrong? What is it? A mouse. I'm so sorry.
Oi. Shinji. Gingy. Yes. There it goes. Under the couch. Your mouse.
And don't let it get in here again. I'm sorry. I was looking for
her. There she goes. Into the camera. Don't let her get away. Just a
second. Here, Marcy. Here. I'll go in there. After her. Careful. Please don't hurt her.
Did you get her? What is it? Ah,
it's pretty funny.
Oh, here. Here, little moss.
Here, little mouse. Thank you.
Here. Good girl. Come on now. Thanks. Very kind of you. Oh,
well. Let's discuss the island. Are you going there? The expedition has requested that
I go. And you are definitely going? Yes, Yes, I. I am as soon
as. And the linguist. This island should open a new area
for your studies, I suppose. Yes. I think I'll find it very interesting.
All of these Polynesian islanders share a good deal in common in their language structure
and in their basic culture. Does that mean that they are basically similar to the
people of Tahiti or Hawaii? Well, you've heard the legend, I suppose,
that all these islands once formed a huge continent like the so called lost
Atlantis. I see. You don't believe that. I believe only what I can see.
Through the lens and whatever you should, eh? To me the camera shutter clicking is
like the sound of the guillotine. Guillotine? Painless. That's right.
Right. Unlike the guillotine, you don't always know when your picture has been taken.
This way, doctor.
Dr. Harada, isn't it? Yes.
Hello. Hello, Dr. Harana. How are you
doing? And you're not well. How do you, Doctor? Good to see you. How you
doing? Good to see you, sir. Nelson.
Daddy. All right?
Yes. Who said the reporters are not allowed to
go along on the expedition? Was it Nelson at the conference he's holding.
Now, please. Now, I'm sure you're all curious as to just
why you won't be allowed to go on this expedition. Very well.
It's a question of efficiency. That means that no one goes
along unless they're needed. Are you implying that the press would merely be in the
way under other circumstances? I know I would require you to help
me. As it is now, the press will have to trust us.
Our bulletins will be released daily. Why are you wasting your time out here?
Well, why waste it an hour listening to Nelson's double talk? This Nelson,
who is he anyway? Oh, the expedition leader. Well, I know that much.
Who is he though? He doesn't look like a scientist.
I wonder if he's hiding anything. Why else no reporters?
I bet that's it.
And so that's it. And is that all? Haven't you answered idea?
Oh no, I was just thinking.
And with that, the ship takes off to find the place the last ship
crashed near. With the treatment from the natives. And we
get plenty of shots of that ship at sea. And then the
doctor plops down next to another dude to talk and there's
more dialogue. And that is always gonna be a clip. And that's
where our third clip starts. Ah,
Dr. Harada. Is anything wrong? You look worried.
It's that Nelson. It's not very pleasant.
No, neither is that high handed attitude of his.
Was he done? He's issued
an order that any data that is collected is to be cleared through him.
Why, that's absurd. He isn't a scientist.
He couldn't evaluate such information. I'm beginning to suspect there's more to
him than meets the eye.
All right, who's there? Start talking.
What are you doing here? Oh, I was dusting, sir.
You were dusting and using bat. I found it here, sir. It's an old rack.
Nito Shimbun. Star reporter has turned into a cabin boy,
huh? Caught in the act, I guess.
So long. Wait a minute. You don't suppose I'd really let you just
walk out now? Shujao.
What on earth are you doing here? I'd like to ask you the same.
Well, actually I came to ask you if you wanted all my notes cleared
through you too. My orders are clear. I see.
Orders of the Rican government? No, not exactly.
They're my orders. Then I'll ignore them.
Let's go.
Attention all hands. We are now entering
the radioactive area. Check your protective equipment,
man. Ah, Dr. Harada. Everything all right?
Thanks, Nelson. Out of
throwing the reporter into the brick, sir?
Yes. He has joined us as a guard. I have
his word he won't act as journalist while he's here. Well, I guess now I
must have new cards printed. Oh,
well, here. Old ones.
Hello, Dr. Haradath. Is there nothing we can do about this dictator,
Mr. Nelson? No, as far as I can tell,
you and Dr. Rock defers to him. Isn't that rather odd?
You know, I wonder if there's any. That is.
I'm sorry, Doctor. I forgot. Gentlemen, we are about
to go ashore. Our expedition is going into an area where
there is some danger. Radiation injury, as you know, is not to be taken.
However, it has been minimized by your protective equipment, which is thoroughly reliable.
And if you act calmly and carefully, no emergency should arise. On your right
chest strap is an emergency button which will set off a siren alarm if
the unexpected does occur. Allow me to wish you good luck and
thank you. That is true. That's some stylish shit right
there. They set out on their expedition and find the matte painting of a
heavily jungled area of the island. They cautiously explore it
and examine various areas and places. The annoying reporter pops
up again to be annoying in our fourth clip.
Still spying on me, right?
Hello. I'm lost.
What? That. I think I'm lost. I was looking for Chujo.
What strange plants.
Why, they're giant abnormal mutations of moles.
The survivors must have drunk the juice of these. I think
we ought to keep heading this way, towards the interior.
Thanks again. Here, Doctor. It's Juju.
He's lost. Over there.
Jojo. Something's wrong. He's hurt,
unconscious. Jojo. Do something.
Jojo. Chujo. He's coming around. He'll be all right now.
Are you all right now? Cho, can you tell us what attacked you? A giant
carnivorous plant, I think. I wonder. Vampire plant.
You were lucky to escape. Only how? I suppose it was those two
girls. They were two little girls. So tiny, little girls.
I guess they were native children. Oh, no. These weren't children. They were fully
grown women a foot high. Did you say women a foot high? You sure
you didn't just imagine it? Oh, no. They're real. We must return
there tomorrow, then. Good night. Hey, those beauties.
Those two girls. Those beauties. Sure. To the press, at any rate. Unless they're
terrible. They're always beauties. It is good for our business. And so
that's it. Watch it. It's great. Good night.
See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. What kind of an
idoy is this? Tell me about those girls, I say. And he retires.
I am slipping.
Yes, sir. You're carrying this joke too far. It isn't a joke, sir.
I'm sure they're here. It's all right. It occurred to me somehow last night
that they'd been attracted in some way by the sound of the sacrifice. That's the
reason they were here, to rescue Me, I guess.
Can you give us some idea of what you're saying? And overheaver.
It's impossible.
Well, it seems they want their island left alone. Oh,
they don't want any tests. Take your atom bomb to another island,
is that it? I understand. We must really assure them that no harm would
come to them. All right, baby. Come to Baba.
Stop them. What are you doing? Release them. Guards.
I don't think you realize the importance of this.
Nelson. Let the girls go.
look. Look up there. Over there,
too. We surrounded. Scatter.
Let them go. Nelson. You must wander off. Our shooting
way out. There's no reason to use violence.
Put down your guns. Reassemble. Back. Put down your guns.
Let them go. I told you. What should I
do, boss, huh? Put them
down. Give them here.
All right, back to the ship. Let's go, man.
All right. Fallen.
Doctor. After what's happened,
I feel it isn't very lucky our coming
to this island.
Thank you for everything, gentlemen. Goodbye, doctor. It was
our pleasure. Bye. Goodbye.
Goodbye. Zen Chan. Oh. Oh, Richie.
Hello. Hello. Welcome home. Thank you.
Was it very wrong? Is anything wrong? You look worried.
What happened? You didn't send a single story.
The editor's angry at you.
Clark Nelson. Date of birth unknown. Birthplace unknown. Pre war
history unknown. Several years ago, he went to the Amazon to try to search
out a tribe of natives there. Although this expedition was a
failure, Nelson was praised. I wonder how. I don't think
Nelson's an explorer. I think he's some kind of crooked international art dealer.
Huh? You feel he's what? Art dealer. You know, one of those crooked
ones who steal treasures from tombs. Not a bad business
today. Just how did you get that silly idea? Yeah, it's not so silly.
You know that day I got caught in his cabin. Well, I found a chart
here of the island. I have something here to show you. It's very interesting.
Take a look at this. What is it? What are these? I found these in
a cave on the island the day that I was attacked. What'd you say?
There was a cave on the island with very peculiar plants and things. I was
going to tell Harada about it, but Nelson was always there. I just didn't want
Nelson to know. I see. See? Isn't that the same sign here and here?
The subject of the whole inscription, I think, and the key. And through the use
of analogies with the various Polynesian dialects, I think I was able to decipher
it. What is this key word? Mothra. Mothra? What's it mean?
I don't Know. How are you tonight, little babies?
I'm happy to see that we meet again.
That's right. Put them in there.
Boss, there's someone. All right,
let them have it. We'll shoot our way out. This shootout,
slaughter takes us over the first 30 minutes of the film.
We are now one third of the film done.
Bad characters, good characters, one guy,
really creepy. And again, you listen to the
dub and it is problematic as hell. It's a little
rough to listen to once. We kind of already pointed out that Paul Freeze
was one of the voices in the last film. And it's pretty obvious that you
got a dub. And it's pretty much the same thing in this film as well.
And there's some characterizations in some of the voices that would
make even someone who reads an audiobook and do that sort of thing, kind of
thing twice about doing those characterizations. Yeah. Nope, Totally agreed.
Yeah, not good. I really like the
way that this borrows the King Kong origin story a little bit where
somebody stumbles onto the island where they're looking to just
basically see what's going on with a Kong and the island. They get there basically
by accident, but they're also kind of stuck there. And then
they kidnap the ingenue and, you know, sacrifice her to Kong,
so. So to speak. And then the men have to go to try and rescue
her. Well, in this case, a ship wrecks because of a
storm on this island. The people get picked up when they
thought the island was uninhabited. And it turns out that they
had had some people treat them for their wounds and give them something to deal
with the radiation that was on this island because they thought the island was uninhabited.
And they tested some nuclear bombs there. And there are people there, and the
people are surviving it, and they want to know how, right?
Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah. Come on, man. Hey, listen, you guys
should all be fucking dead. So now we need all the answers about why
you're not. Yeah. Not only should they be dead, but, you know, a couple of
nuclear blasts on the island, all the vegetation should be gone as well,
too. But not only. Not only is it back,
it's thriving like nothing ever happened to it. And again, that doesn't make any
sense. Yeah. Then they get to the island and not only
is the vegetation thriving, there is all sorts of vegetation they have
never seen before. And then they come upon two foot
tall ladies who look identical, are somewhat identical twins,
and can kind of communicate with them. And what's the decision of the
evil fucking corporate guys? Oh, let's kidnap them and exploit them
for money. Of course. Makes sense. Of course.
Right? And then that's what they do. An entire tribe shows
up and basically makes them back down, only because the scientists are
there, and make them give up the little ladies. So the little ladies get away.
And then what do the evil corporate motherfuckers do? They go, you know what?
We're going to go, spare no expense, and go back and kidnap them and
slaughter the entire tribe. In the first 30 minutes of the film, we see
pretty much the entire tribe get slaughtered by machine gun. Yeah,
that sucks.
Mothra ain't pulling no punches in its film. It's got a lot
of the same grit that we got in the very first Godzilla
film. And essentially, this is taken on a little bit of colonization
and a whole lot of, well, just capitalization.
Right. Yeah, we're. We're not the coolest
because again, it's kind of. This is. This is about us. It's about
us as a country and what we've done. Well, it's more about just humanity and
the choice choices that we make, like, you know, basically destroying the planet
to make a bigger buck. That's. That's what it's really about.
Yeah, we're the biggest victims of that, and we're the most guilty of doing
that. Absolutely. So if you want to say it's us, then sure. But it's
pretty much all of humanity at this point anyway. So I guess I'm just
like, oh, it's. It's rough to see because,
yeah, we. We do a lot of this stuff. Yeah. Well, the ruthless businessman
is the one who's taken it too far and has fucked around and is about
to find it. And that's always the way it is. It's always businessmen who,
you know, want to destroy the world for a buck. If it gets their
shareholders a little bit of value in the short term, it's worth it. Yeah.
Even if it means they'll die, too. I mean, come on, what's. What's.
What's profit? You have to make value for your shareholders, otherwise you're a
miserable failure. Yeah. Yeah. Even if it means killing yourself and.
Everyone else around you. Yes. All right, let's move on to the next. All right,
everyone bummed out yet? Okay, we're going to go into
the second third of the film. So the next 30 starts
with one of the natives crawling towards a shrine after being massacred,
shouting out the name Mothra as he lays dying. That death rattle
awakens some beast from its ancient slumber as rock begins to crack.
And more rock begins to crack and fall away, revealing a
large egg in the side of the mountain. They cut from this to a photo
of the two girls and our fifth clip. First. How long
have you been with this paper? Five years. Five years. You knew
of the existence of these girls, didn't you? Yes. Alright then why didn't
you fire the story? They'd have been injured that way. Are you a
social worker or a reporter? In this case, I don't know. What's that? Sure,
I saw the girls. Everyone on the expedition did. And we all agreed that not
one word would be said about it outside. Because every one of us felt that
it was best to lead them just where they were. But it didn't work.
Ladies and gentlemen, we live in the atomic age. Are miracles
of nature things of the past? Do mysteries and wonders still exist?
Or are they obsolete? No, not in the least. As I am about
to prove to each and every one of you here tonight. Tonight you shall
witness a miracle of nature. A true wonder of the world that I
have brought back to civilization from one of the remote South Sea
islands. Those islands of adventure, mystery and romance of
which we have heard so much and know so little. And now, ladies and
gentlemen, the miracle. You came alone? No,
my brother is back there. Stay here.
Listen, Dr. Rock wrote to me today. He says that
the Rollicans weren't very enthusiastic about
the expedition to the island. The only reason they agreed was that
the money was Nelson's. The money was Nelson's.
Naturally, he took him far.
That melody. Yes,
the island.
I know a lot of people out there are probably thinking to themselves, did we
really need the entire performance of those two little ladies singing
Waturaya? Yes. Yes we did.
Don't judge us no more. I ain't taking it. All right.
So the little fairy lady performance transforms into
the dance of the island natives at the end of the clip there. And they
are attempting to awaken Mothra with this ritual dance.
I think the egg just needs a little time or something to warm
it, maybe to hatch. But what do I know about giant moth eggs,
really? I guess dancing in an adulation function will
probably make it hatch faster. I guess it's possible.
Anyway, giant monster moths are not my branch of mad science. So I
don't know what I'm really talking about or complaining here. You'll get it.
You just need to expand your mad science stuff. They cut
from that ritual to the girls singing at the start of our sixth clip
out. Just leave and stop pestering us. Or do we throw you Out. But these
girls are news. I'd like an interview. And I'd like you to go. My girls
don't speak a word of Japanese anyhow. Ollie.
Ola. Come on, sister. What is this? Take your hands
off me. Put me down. What is this?
Stop it. Stop it. Nelson. I'm so glad to see
you again. You'd better look out. Had I indeed? Yes. You should stop exploiting
those girls and take them back to their island now. Exploiting? Take them
back? You'll realize how much money Mr. Nelson has invested. I have no intention of
returning the girls to the island. That would be ridiculous. Ridiculous, eh? The law
forbids you turning them into slaves. Look out to your slander, or we
might sue you. Suit. For what? The truth. Nakamura. Aren't you making the girls do
this against their will? Against their will? The act you saw on stage. It's obvious
they enjoy it. So there's really no point with these accusations, is there,
Chuchu? Then why not let us see them? Am I? Since you asked so nicely,
I'm going to let you all go in. Don't try any kind of smart tricks
or anything foolish. Foolish? Now you can have exactly three minutes in there. Just a
minute. The camera. Let's have it. I've had all the publicity I need. And this
one too. All right. Just a minute. Here you are. Go quietly. Michi.
There they are. Look. Oh, how cute. Well? Do you recognize me,
girls? Think a second. You girls rescued me from the vampire plant on
the island. Listen, why don't we just take them out of that cage? I bet
we could fight our way out. Shh. Be quiet. We may be able to think
of something. But you don't want the guard to hear. I don't like that,
Mr. Nelson. I think all of us agree on that. Now listen. I hope you
understand. Anyway, I'd like you to know that we're your friends.
Thank you. Nice to have friends. Now we'll be all right.
I'm so glad you understand what people say.
It's hard to explain just how it works, but we understand.
Actually, only thoughts have meaning to us.
Thoughts and ideas. And we can make you understand
our thoughts. Telepathy, Is that it?
Yes. We return to our island, and that's good.
The part that makes us unhappy is you could
be. Could be what? And there isn't anything you can do to stop her.
You'll all get hurt. That is what makes us sad. All you good ones are
sure to be hurt. Who? Stop. Who? What is
it? Matra? She'll soon be here.
Matra, Matra. She'll raise, rescue us
and return us to our island. Oh boy. The little psychic
girls, if they ever read the court psyops mind would probably hate all
of humanity. So it's probably good they never met me. Yeah, it's probably a good
thing. I mean, let's face it, that was never going to go well for them.
The end of that clip leads to more ritualistic adulation.
Dancing at Mothra's egg as some supernatural shenanigans
start up again. And the egg finally hatches as a Mothra larva.
The set in this is actually pretty fucking kickass. And the little larva
comes coming out and the way that they actually animate it and
the way that it moves about is really well done. And some of
the best Mothra larva stuff we're gonna get. They kind of cheap
out on it from here on out with the live action birth
of Mothra. Like this is kind of the best one that we get for quite
a while. Anyway, the caterpillar version emerges
from the egg and it cuts from this to old dudes talking in
our seventh clip. The press is obliged to tell the truth just
as we see it. All right then. If you don't print a retraction if the
next edition, we'll have our attorney here bring soup. How you like that?
Your paper in a libel suit, huh? Look at this. It came in on the
Tikar just now. A huge object,
unidentified, cited, floating in South Specific.
What's it mean? That's Mothra. What?
Mothra. Oh. And what is Mothra? Mothra is
a sort of a. Oh, it's a sort of a legend, sir.
A monster that's coming to rescue the guards. You imagine it.
A monster to rescue the girls. How do you know about all this anyhow?
Because the girls told me, Nelson. That's how they did.
I heard them too. They said Mothra was coming to take them back to their
island. This starts a strange dreamlike sequence of the fairy
girls singing while floating over Mothra
as the caterpillar which is swimming to rescue them. And then
it crashes into a freighter swimming through it because of its
determination to go save the ladies, they. Cut from this
to a press conference. Send our eighth clip. All right, I've had
enough of this nonsense. You can't ignore the facts, Nelson. Look what happened to the
ship Orion. Well, how am I concerned in the disaster? Nelson is right this time
you can't hold us to account. What have we to do with that monster anyhow?
Just this. If you don't Send the girls back to the island. The monster will
attack Tokyo. The most rock right here. Do you know what it can mean to
us all? The thing is, you have no proof. Now leave me alone. Nelson.
Forget it, boss. What right have you to persecute us? We'll doing nothing wrong.
We will complain to the Rasikan Embassy about your activities. Then let's you
continue this nonsense. Go ahead. Oh, there's no use talking to them at all.
Chujo, let's get out of here. It seems hopeless, doesn't it?
Yes. Well, it. I hate to admit it, but there's nothing
we can do. Yes, there is one thing. Huh? Let's go
talk to the girls again. Where are you going? To Nelson's office to see the
girls. Sorry, no one goes in there unless Mr. Nelson is with them. So you
say all this. Wait. Nice guy, aren't you?
Don't do that. Is he?
Don't do that. I told you. All right, let's go. Hey mister.
Yes you. Come here. Come on, Jojo. Listen, you go on up
to the office. I'll take care of our friends here. All right?
With this, the unassuming reporter who was always super annoying
and kind of made a bunch of jokes at his own expense to make people
just kind of ignore him and let him do his job. Just starts throwing down
and somehow kicks the living shit out of four thugs like it's nothing.
Like just somehow is just this amazing martial artist all of a sudden. Like super
unassuming dude and literally just keeps everybody on the back
foot by making everything feel awkward. When in reality he's
this like ass kicking thug hero. Yeah,
good for him. The main hero sneaks off
to chat with the fairy twins. While the reporter dude is kicking ass and taking
names. The reporter finishes up kicking the shit out of those guys and runs
in to interrupt the conversation. In our ninth clip. There'll be so
many innocent people who would get killed or hurt if Motor comes here. Can't you
hold Motra from coming in some way now? Motto's on the way.
There's nothing that will stop her now. She's guided to us by some power that
we cannot control. I see. Isn't there any action
to take? Huh? Nothing would be any use.
It's promises. Nothing can stop her now. There is one
thing. Huh? Telepathy.
Can it be done? Cut telepathy off. There's a chance,
I think. Start transmitting. Ms. Weeda, let me show you
something. You see this? This synthetic substance has
the power to stop radio waves. Now watch your oscilloscope
These are exactly like brain waves, but of a different frequency.
Do you see what happens? Ah, so if we made a box of this,
we could put the girls in and cut off communication with Motra. Exactly.
Hello. Search Mothra. It's swimming in the ocean.
It's heading directly for Tokyo. Attack. Here. I'm sort of
sorry for Mothra. Well, if Nelson had returned the girls, Mothra wouldn't
have had to come here anymore. Look at this. What is it? The Horizon Government
is backing Nelson. Read it. The Horusikan government is obliged to protect
the rights and property of its citizens abroad.
Get down to Defense Headquarters and get a statement. Approaching target prepared
to attack. This leads to a sequence
of planes dropping depth charges on and shooting missiles
at the Mothra caterpillar that's swimming its way towards Tokyo.
This onslaught does nothing to slow it or stop it, as it
seems that it's just gonna keep going until a big fire
catches all over the water. And that seems to get it. Which leads to
some declarative statements in our 10th clip. You're a little
too late with this box. Mothra's dead. You'll think Mothra's dead.
They didn't find any trace at all. I'm sure it is. But I'll take the
box as a souven until it's absolutely
clear that Mothra is dead. I think that you should use the box. You're concerned,
are you, Doctor? That's very kind of you indeed. Yes, we are worried. But don't
think it's on your account. Come now, it's the others, the innocent ones,
who'll have to suffer as a result of your selfishness that we're worried about.
That's why we brought this box, to cut off the telepathic waves. Not for your
sake, believe me. It's for the innocent people. Thank you for coming,
gentlemen. I don't really see the necessity for all these precautions.
However, since you insist, I'll use the box as you suggest. Why don't you
stay to see the show? It's about to start. No, thank you. Oh, please do,
Doctor, as my guest. In appreciation of all your cooperation.
Hello, Mr. Nelson? There's a call. It's important. Thank you
all again. What's so important? This is Nelson.
Huh? Cancel it. Why on earth should I cancel the show?
Well, that's too bad. Take it up with my embassy. No, I certainly won't cancel.
Get an injunction. Go ahead. A lot of nonsense. The injunction. John. Come up.
Michi. Something has happened. I thought so. Nelson just got a Telephone
call to cancel the performance. Listen. Something's happened at the dam. At the
dam? Mothra. Mothra. Well, let's go down there
and find out. Let's go.
Stop that noise. You can cry and moan from now till
doomsday, but you're not going back to that island. Just keep it moving.
Hurry. Stop. Stop. The dam has
bores. Stop. Stop. Stop.
Please. Hold this for me. It's Mothra, all right, Doctor. How come it showed up
here? Get back, please. The dam is about to go. Get back.
Get back. Lady, please. Get back, all of you. Get back.
Hey. Run for it. Hurry.
Hurry. Okay. The Mothra caterpillar makes it to shore and
ends up in a seawall dance kind of place.
And from its writhing and tantrum, it breaks through the dam,
causes a massive exodus and damage and shit.
Tons of flooding. Our main group flees over a bridge as
the floodwaters begin to overtake it when a woman somehow ends up dropping
her baby and not realizing it. It's right there on the bridge. Once they're
all clear of it, she realizes she doesn't have the baby anymore.
What am I missing? God, there's something missing. I feel like I left
something. Oh, shit. The baby. So all of the sudden,
the unassuming reporter dude, whatever reason, turns into
a hero, like in the last 10 minutes of this film, makes a
mad dash towards the bridge to scoop up the screaming crotch goblin
and hightail it back off the bridge just in time as the floodwaters
sweep away the bridge right behind him. That was actually pretty fucking cool.
That was. I don't know if you have to call them crotch goblins, Court.
They're fucking crotch goblins. I mean, Court, be nice. They didn't ask
to be born. They cut from the bridge being horrifyingly washed
away to our 11th clip, Juju. Says Mothra
because Nelson will not let the little girls go back to their island.
He's a very bad man. Many people will be hurt because of him. Where is
he? He came up this way. Yeah. What's going on? Sanki sneaked in back here.
What? We've been chasing him, but he gave us the slip. Yeah, we'd better find
him. The boss sure wouldn't like it. We'd better find that kid before he gets
back from the embassy or we'll all be in trouble. Come on, let's look up
in the dressing room. I'm here to save you. Please. You're not
scared, are you? Oh, not at all. Mothra will come
to get us soon. It is not safe Here you should not stay.
I take you with me to my house. My brother is there.
He'll take you back to your island. Who is this kid? I don't
know. How did he get in? May mean trouble. You will find. He ran out
again. It's his fault. How are you doing? What is this?
There was a kid ran in here. Where is the boy? What happened? Sir,
look. There he is. Up there. There he is.
Well, fight him. No, sir. No.
Doc. He must be up here somewhere. Boss is here.
All right,
send him down there.
Boss, the RA is backing down. What? Here, read it yourself.
In order to preserve their traditional amity with Japan, they order the immediate
release of the girls by Nelson. Good. Stay with it
now. Yes, sir. That's what I'm doing. But I'm going to the theater. I want
to see Nelson's reaction. Have you heard? Yes. Come on. Come on.
The end of that clip takes us to the hour mark. And that is now
2/3 of the film down at this point.
Well, they're. They're getting to the find out
part of around, aren't they? We're kind of already there because Mathra
is already, you know, done constant. I guess that is to go out that damned
aquarium collapse. It looked like a seawall dam or something like that that they
had created. I don't know exactly what was going on there, but Mothra fucked that
the hell up. Mothra was not having no shit.
And it's important to point out that there is no malice with which Mothra is
wrecking ships and bridges and dams and things like that.
They're just literally in the path. And Mothra is taking a direct
beeline to where these girls are screaming out for help from it.
That's what basically is happening. It's trying to save the two cycles
psychic twins that are directly linked to it and keep it linked
with humanity. Because if it's no longer linked with humanity, then humanity doesn't
have a protector in a world full of Kaiju. And that's bad. Yes, that is
true. Because there are many other Kaijus who do not like humanity at
all. And maybe they have a point. Yeah,
a lot of them are looking at us like a bunch of food. And maybe
they probably should. That's so, so true.
You want to do the run to the end? Let's hit it. All right.
So the final act starts with a cut from the bullpen with the reporters
to some sort of military F showing up outside of the theater.
And that is the start of our 12th clip here.
Wait a Minute. Oh, Chujo, have you heard?
Heard what? Nelson has to release the girls. I came after
Shinji. He came here to rescue the girls. Hold it.
Nobody here. Let's go. Look. Shinji's hat. He was here. Oh,
Shinji. Shinji. Shinji.
He's all right. Hey, Gingi. Gingi.
Gingi. Nelson. Did he do this? No matter.
Are you all right? Yes, I guess so. Thank goodness. Never mind Nelson.
You'll get what he deserves. Listen Chan,
we've arrested Nelson. And I missed it. No, it's something awful. Mothra is coming closer.
What? Mothra? Oh, Mothra. Where? I just heard it's moving toward Tokyo.
Oh yeah, we forgot to mention that the scumbag businessmen guys
beat up a child and then tied him up and left him there. Because it
would be bigger crimes if they got caught for murdering the child. Beyond just
what is dubiously kidnapping. Because they're not sure if those two foot
tall ladies are actually human or not and actually constitutes
kidnapping. They're just exploiting them while they can get away with it for now.
And then they pretty much beat up and tie up a little kid and kidnap
him to keep the kidnapping of these two ladies going. Something along those lines,
yeah. Yeah, that's effectively what's going on.
Which is horrifying. Yeah. If they weren't horrible
enough without knowing that a fucking giant Kaiju
worm was on the way to come get these girls and is destroying everything on
its path to come at them, they continue to hold them hostage
and just move them around and further inland so that the creature
has to keep coming further for them. Doing more damage on the way to them.
Yes, they're pieces of shit.
Giant pieces of shit. All right, so they cut from this to
the caterpillar version of Mothra. Just booging along on the ground like we talked about
with a full on military assault trying to stop it. And let's face it,
the military is doing more damage to everything surrounding the caterpillar than the actual
caterpillar itself. With all the explosions. Well done military. You're doing great.
The caterpillar trashes a gas station and some other buildings and
vehicles on its way to save the girls because they were just in its
way. It's not its fucking fault. Yeah, I mean, listen man,
sometimes if you're going to be in something's way, shit's going to knock you over.
Especially if it's bigger. We do it all the time as human beings.
A full scale evacuation is called in the city as the caterpillar
makes its way to a more densely populated area and is met with
tank fire and other missiles and explosives that seem to do nothing to stop it
or slow its progress to make it to save the fairy girls. Nothing is
gonna stop this caterpillar, folks. It's just gonna keep blowing up shit around the caterpillar.
Because I mean, duh. The caterpillar crawls
through buildings and smashes a bunch of shit, causing tremendous fires.
And the evil corporate guys look for a chance to flee with
the cause of all of this major panic all around them.
So they get in their car and they just take off with the major
cause, which is just the fact that they kidnapped these little girls. Moving further
inland, causing the caterpillar to move further inland, causing more.
Because of course, more footage of the military firing on the caterpillar
shows from here and it heads towards a major radio broadcast tower
near Tokyo. They continue to fire on it as it climbs up the tower.
Either the weight of the larvae or the massive explosions happening all
around said larvae somehow causes the tower to snap and
the caterpillar falls over backwards. The military ceases fire and the
caterpillar begins spraying silk out of what seems to be self defense
when a helicopter swarms past it, which takes down
the military helicopter and causes an explosion. Then there's finally
talk about all of this action in our 13th clip. It's been in a cocoon,
so there's time. At least until it hatches. We must find Nelson and release those
girls at once. Colonel, do you know where Nelson is? He was last
seen this afternoon at the theater, sir. Not since then. Your attention please.
Special flight number 203 for Olisica now
ready for boarding at. You are Torture Walker of the Rollick Embassy
staff. We are all set. Take these.
Now boarding at gate number three. All passengers
aboard, please. Excuse me, sir.
The police say there's no sign of Nelson anywhere in all
of this confusion. He'd get away. And there's a special jet leaving for Olisika this
evening. Yes, and you know what that means? It means that we lost our last
chance to end this. With those girls gone, the monster will
be impossible to stop now. Has the jet gone?
No. Let's get to the airport. It's okay.
Sorry, Mr. Minister. Thank you.
We in Rolisica are eager to help you in any way to end this reign
of terror. And to that end, we're sending over to you our newest weapon.
Thank you. Here, Doctor, look at this. An atomic heat gun.
Do you think the unit will be here in time? Yes, they're already on their
way with Their crew. They'll be here by early morning.
Look, therefore, looking. Auntie. A cell.
We're beginning attack at precisely 10 o'clock. Pass over. 10 o'clock. Yes,
sir. Attention please. Attention please. This is an official
announcement. The Defense Ministry will commence the attack on Mothra
at 10 o'clock sharp. If you do not have protective glasses,
do not look directly at the race. The attack will commence at 10 o'clock
sharp. Already one minute remaining.
Zenchan, your glasses. 30 seconds remaining.
25. 20. 15.
10. 9. 8. 7.
6. 5. 4. 3.
2. 1. Fire. Okay.
They fire those maser looking atomic heat ray things, and it
eventually catches the Mothra cocoon on fire. And everyone
sort of celebrates, thinking that this is a great thing, except for obviously the
scientists who just wanted to study it or whatever. And that leads
leads to our 14th place. Congratulations. Well done.
Excellent advice. The huge cocoon burns on. Rarely has there
been such a spectacular. Cocoon has been reduced to a huge smoldering
cinder. This is a real victory for the atomic heat ray.
I'll open some windows. Well, boss, nobody is
chasing us now. We ought to be safe here. Here? This isn't Japan,
Nakamura. Now we're in Rolisica, and here on my farm.
Swell. Please, Boss, are you going to be a farmer when you retire?
A triumph of science. As the flames of the cocoa coons subside
into smoldering embers, the tension around the command posterior is visibly
relaxed. As soon as it is safe to approach the remains, what we already know
will be announced officially. The monster Mothra is dead.
Boss. Boss. That's it. We're in. There's nothing to stop us.
What are you saying?
Go on. If Mother. I can't hear you.
The reason Mothra can't hear you is that Mothra is dead.
It's dead. Yes, dead. It's dead.
At the end of the clip, the full Mothra emerges from the scorched
cocoon and starts flying about, leaving devastation in her mighty
wake. With every flap of her glorious wings. This is what I was talking about,
man. Tanks flip over, buildings just crumble beneath
her flying wings. And she's really not doing anything other
than just searching and trying to find the girls where they're at.
And now that they're singing and in distress, the call
has gotten even greater. And that's why she was cocooned up before.
And basically, the more worked up she gets, the more shit is getting wrecked
and she's just flying around, leveling the entire city,
essentially just building up more and more power as she goes. Pretty much
yeah, but you know, Good. Good for. Good for Mothra. She flies off
towards where the twins are. And they cut from that to a radio report in
our 15th clip. Six of our planes have been destroyed by the monster.
The shocking news has aroused public feeling against Nelson. And all law
enforcement agencies, under emergency orders, are searching for Nelson
and his hostages. Any listener having any as to Nelson's whereabouts
is instructed to telephone his local police station at once.
Is everything set? Boss? Boss, you haven't the chance. You heard the
announcement just now. The whole country will be out chasing us. Shut up.
Get in that car. Okay, okay.
Jojo. Hello. I guess you didn't expect me,
did you? Not exactly. Harada sent you, right?
I was sent, yes, by the Rally Embassy. But what
do they expect. Expect you to do? Negotiate with it.
That's it exactly. Oh, that's ridiculous.
There isn't anything that. How do they sing? No, I can.
Oh, please, don't be silly. It's the girls they want me to
talk to. We're the only one they ever got friendly with. Ah,
now I see. What I want to know is how do we get to
the girls? That's easy. We just look for Mr.
Nelson and whatever he is. That's where the girls are. Attention,
please. We have just received a news bulletin that Masra has
attacked New City. Ma.
Ma. This clip ends with some footage of Mathra flying about under
heavy military fire. And then to the bad guys and others fleeing.
And that leads to our 16th clip. Boss. Boss. You're taking
the wrong route. Shut up. Hurry. Come on, dad.
Come on. Out of the way. Out of the
way. It's Nelson. It's Nelson.
Little girls. Nelson. Drop it. Nelson, drop that pistol. You haven't got a
chance. All right, Nelson, drop your gun.
Back. Stand back. No. Get.
All right, everybody be quiet. Please be quiet.
Nelson is shot dead finally, after he rampages away from
the angry crowd and murders a pig in front of them. They cut
from this to more footage of Mothra wrecking the city with her mighty wings
while searching for the Fairy twins. It cuts from this to a crowd
formed after the release of the twins in our 17th clip.
Please, listen. We're doing the best we can. Be quiet.
Fire. Fire. Please,
there's nothing to worry. Responsible people are good.
Now we'll find out.
Glad to see you. Now, please tell us what to
do about these girls. Here's the key. Oh, thank you.
Listen, Juju. Should I open it? I don't think
I ought to. Oh, no, you mustn't. The second you do that the telegraphic waves
will be released and we know Mathra must be very near.
Now. Here'S a report,
sir. Thousands dead. Newkirk City in
ruins. What can be done? Do you remember this?
The inscription from the cave? Right.
Now look up there. I think
I see this. Must have some
sort of religious significance. Like the cross.
Right. Listen. When you hear
the bells, they sound like the girls voices to me.
Say Chujo. I wonder, since there's a similarity in the cross and
the sound, could we use it? I don't know how. If we could,
it would be linked. Do the trick for us. Use the bells.
There is. I think there is. Sir, will you
have this sign copied as large as possible on the airport Runway? The sign here.
Right, but copy it large. Yes, we'll run it up
now. Then there's something else. I want every church bell in the city to start
ringing at 3:00 precisely. 3:00. I understand.
Exactly. Okay, 3:00 precisely. Everyone please
wait just a little while. All town militia report to the airport.
What do you think? I don't know. If it doesn't though,
I don't know what will. There is more footage of Mothra destroying entire buildings
after flying over them in this clip, as our heroes find a way to perhaps
draw Mothra away from the city. Using every church bell ringing
all at once at exactly the same time of day. For reasons.
Because they sound similar to the girls singing. And they think the good vibes
will somehow work to calm Mothra. I guess,
yeah. I don't know. Sounds Care Bear stare to me. But whatever.
There is more footage of Mothra flying around. And it occurs to me that
this is a pretty powerful Mothra. As entire skyscrapers and
bridges collapse from the force of her flying over them, which is pretty insane.
She does significantly more damage by herself than
two Rodans flying in tandem. That's true.
It cuts from that action to a police car arriving with our main
characters all piled in it. In our final clip, it's precisely
three. In a way, it does look quieter.
Look, it's landing. Everything all right?
It's landing. Now the case. Let's get it open.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, good friends. Thank you for letting us return to our island.
Our wish for you is that you will have peace and happiness.
Thank you very much. And we hope that no one ever disturbs you or your
island again. Thank you. My Mothra awaits us.
Sayonara. Sayonara. If you want to
come back one day, Sayonara.
Thank you very much. It's all right, thank you.
Sayonara. Sayonara.
Sayonara. The two fairy girls climb up onto the landed
Mathra. It flies off and the photographer forgot the pictures.
And the reporter realized he has not much going on to tell the story with
at all either. We see the fairy girls back at the island taking
the time to sing to and offer thanks to Mothra with
some kind of ritual worship. They show a wide shot of the
island and then they finally roll those Credits. Cinema Silence.
10. 10 years. 10 years.
Overall, a very cutesy, more warm and upbeat sort of feeling
to the film. The main bad guys are almost cartoonish. And we're
starting to transfer right here into a more parable
and child oriented storytelling type of thing with. With Mothra
and Godzilla is going to file suit here shortly after. Yeah. I still
love this film, though. I really do know it's still a great
film. You know, classic kind of story. Greedy humans
fucking everything up. Yeah, it really becomes more of a
parable at this point than just, you know, dealing with the nuclear
proliferation. It's now starting to see that humans themselves are
what is responsible for the problems that are happening to them. And whatever
horrific giant beast that they end up waking up ends up 100%
being their fault. Because in this case, Mathra is probably the most
benevolent of all of the giant monsters that shit up. Like,
yes, literally, don't with Mothra's island. Don't with the people that live on
Mothra's island. And then also don't fuck up the world so that it's going to
ruin things for Mothra and the Mothra's people's island. And you're pretty much fine.
Like, don't kidnap the little pixie ladies. Don't take the fucking eggs. And whatever
you take, give it back. And Mothra is very forgiving. Like, Godzilla will
torch your entire fucking existence and everything in
your entire family line just for waking it up. But Mothra,
you steal its lad, and it's trying to do the least amount of damage possible
just to get them back until you give them back. Like, that's all it is,
trying to help you out. Right. Mothra is so kind and so gentle
compared to all other Kaijus. And as we've seen in
later installments, now that we see what Mothra is actually capable of,
when Mothra is fighting on the side of protecting humans and all of that,
buildings are not coming down with the flaps of her wings, which means she is
pulling her punches to protect people. Yes, yes. So, I mean,
Mothra, in the end is a just creature
who actually, for the most part.
No, it is also later kind of retconned and told
to be that Mothra is the defender of humanity. That's the
specific role that that creature plays. And the reason that
it's so bonded with humanity is those little ladies
that are the twins. Yeah. That basically are.
Basically all they communicate with, is thought and telepathy. And basically,
as long as you have good vibes around them, Mothra's down with
you. Yeah, Mothra will be. You be cool with them. Mothra would be cool with
you. Yeah. That's all you gotta do. I mean, you know that. Who like adulation
and worship and all that stuff. I don't even think Mothra requires that.
I think Mothra is just so badass that, like, those people just fucking worship
her for being that badass. Yep, I think so. Nothing wrong with that either.
All right, well, let's stop fucking about. Let's go ahead and play the song that
we're going to be playing. So on the pirate radio edit for this
week for 1961, we've got the band
the Tokens with the song the Lion Sleeps Tonight, which everybody should recognize
when we come back. I'll figure out something for my story time.
We want to maybe turn that E for explicit into a
pg, possibly go P. Because at the end of the day,
here's what we would all. What is PG is for families together around
the podcast. This is not a family show. Never been a family show.
And from grandma family to little Billy gathered around
listening to podcasts, we can't do that. Talking about horror movies that
are bringing more people on board. We want to be a big tent and we
want to have people enjoy each and every show. I've never heard
any complaints about. We're not that bad, are we? Yeah, I think we
are. Like I said, the problem isn't necessarily the. The outliers.
Right. People seem to like us. It's not that your
show is particularly filthy, although it is exceptionally
filled. What? At least it's exceptional. The problem is
that it's starting to spread to the rest of the shows on the network.
I. I just. Look, I don't want to get in trouble with itunes. You don't
want to get in trouble with itunes. None of us want to be in that
In the jungle, the mighty jungle the Mothra sleeps tonight.
He said it.
Well, I don't know if that's gonna have anything to do with my next story
Storytime. So I guess the best story
time that I Kinda have is. Holy fuck, did I lease way too flashy
of a car for a fuckin hillbilly like myself recently? Dude,
your new car is fucking sweet. Dude. It's cool
looking. It's nice. So with the horrors
of impending ending humanity looming upon us in multiple
directions for multiple reasons and multiple wars all over the world,
I decided that leasing a car was far much more of an
intriguing thought to myself than purchasing. For obvious
reasons, because purchasing means you believe you're going to be in it for the long
haul, whereas leasing is betting whether or not humanity is going to
end before your lease. Hey listen, if humanity isn't it,
if the government just collapses, more than likely companies do,
then you just own that car. It's just yours no matter
what. It's a possibility. That's the best case scenario, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I went
and looked at a Hyundai dealership and I was looking specifically for
an Ioniq is the car that I wanted to get. And I got an Ioniq
5 that I'm leasing. And because of the tax breaks
that still exist and because of the rebates
and things like that that are also part of of the dealership's factory stuff that
they can kind of also give you for tax breaks and such, I got an
incredible deal on the lease. Because whenever you lease that's the least
amount of loopholes to get the rebates for everybody. So that's part of the reason
why I chose it. And the other part is like people think I'm joking,
but I legitimately don't even think that there's going to be a world here in
three years. And if there is, oh no, I have to figure out a car
lease, right? Worst case scenario. Oh no.
Right, so I'm leasing the car, you're fine, right? I'm leasing the car
and making half of of the payments that I would have
had to have made if I were actually trying to buy it right now for
leasing it. Like half the cost of that with all of the rebates and everything
like that. And so like we said, Ioniq 5, the car
is unbelievably fucking fast. And the one trim
that I was interested in that had all the safety features is also like
one of their more fancy like sport sportier looks to the car. And so
it's like silver and black and like super fucking shiny and super fucking
fast and it just feels like way too much fucking car for White Trash Hill
Lily like myself, really truly nuts.
Like I'm almost like people are going to Think I stole this every time I'm
driving it around. I mean, it is
way too cool for you. How about
this? No one expects you to come out of
that car. Not saying that's a good or a bad thing or that you don't
have. It's just two different clashing styles. And it's kind of cool.
Yeah, it's like this super futuristic. It looks like something out of Demolition
man kind of car. Right. And it's, it's kind of boxy,
yet still rounded and it's really, really fanc. And then all of
a sudden this like hillbilly motherfucker in like ragtag clothing
that's still kind of being held together but is somewhat threadbare,
just kind of comes lumbering out of the side of the thing whenever it stops.
Yeah, it's cool to watch it drive by. It's a
pretty cool car, but like. I said, it's definitely too
fancy for me. And the story about me going to lease it was not
as bad as what I thought it was going to be. We test drove it
on a Saturday. I came back and test drove it at night because I wanted
to see a. How it handled at night. What I liked about. And also you
want to, if you're like looking specifically for safety features, you want to see how
they handle at night versus during the day. And it was virtually the same.
I was very impressed with the car and I've been driving it pretty much
like crazy ever since we got it. That's kind of the
whole of the story, but also most of the story is it's way too fucking
fancy for my white trash, fucking hillbilly looking ass.
Yeah, it's a way cool car. Nothing wrong
with it. And literally I'm leasing it because I'm like, well, if the world's going
to fall apart anyway, at least I'll have a little bit of joy every time
I have to drive this to work. A little bit of fun when you're trying
to escape the cities. Yeah, it's going to be a nice speed up.
I'll have to find charging stations on the way, so I'm not going to make
it very far trying to escape the city. Just head to the more,
you know, you know, the states are going to have the charging more
available. North and west, you know where to head?
North and west. North and west, that's. That's where
you're going to want to go. All right, folks, we're going to
cut this off here before we get even more bleak of an outlook of the
world. So we're going to play the show no Housekeeping. And immediately following that,
on the pirate radio edit, we're gonna have a double feature of Patchy Klein songs,
Both released in 1961, as was Mothra. So right after
the show, Housekeeping, we're gonna have Crazy on the private radio. If you've
decided you can't get enough. All I'm saying is maybe you
slip a little soap in the mouth, you know, you give that a sucker that's
dirty. Clean up the language. You let people come to the show,
enjoy it, without the risk of kids
hearing words and phrases. Kids should not be anywhere near our show.
And they're taking that back to school, and we're getting letters from the teacher,
all that stuff. Like, we don't want any of that. So thanks for
all the work you do. It's a great show. People are listening. People are liking
it. I think we can. We can bump those numbers up,
okay, that everybody can learn to enjoy cinema.
Psy keeps getting the name wrong. Put too much emphasis of the P.
In a way that brings. Brings people together as opposed to
pulls them apart. And also, like I said, you're. You're kind of
setting a bad example for the rest of the shows on the network. Look at
hell. Me use foul language at all. Yeah, it's a great
show. It's doing huge numbers. It's gangbusters. I want you to be
part of that fan. So keep up the good work, by which I mean,
stop with the potty mouth. Potty mouth? We don't have potty
mouths. And we'll. We'll talk soon. So thanks,
guys. Have a good night. Have a good show. We'll talk to you soon.
We're garbage people just for being ourselves. That's horseshit. What the.
I mean, we can't help it. This is just who we are. I mean,
garbage people. Exceptionally filthy.
Well, that was nice of him to say, but I'm just. It's true.
It's just who we are. Are we garbage? Well, did he not
listen of our beautifully done thing about censorship all those
episodes ago when we talked about the video nasties? I don't think he.
It's not. He doesn't want us to censor ourselves. He just wants us to.
To censor ourselves. Yeah, exactly. I can't do that.
No, I'm serious, though. Come on. Okay, so he said we need to get more
numbers so we can stay filthy. If we just get. We just.
We need numbers. You know what I'm calling. Hail Ming. Yeah.
Yeah, tell those bastards this is the.
First known major nexus point where collapse timelines first
converged. For those still in denial about living in the stupidest known
timeline, a further discussion of this nexus point will be transmitted.
I don't have any fun. Tie ins for Mothra and Patsy
Cline's song Crazy. It's just a beautiful song that's also released
the same year as this beautiful movie. That's right. Just nice stuff going on.
Yes, just to distract us of all the not nice stuff that's also going on.
That's. Yeah, yeah. Well, unfortunately, you're right. All of that.
Well, to distract you even further with some nice stuff that we've got going
on, we've got Patsy Klein from 1961 with the song
I Fall to Pieces on the pirate radio edit. So enjoy that and kick the
out of this week and make it your good.
The voice message from both sparked numerous divergent timelines
in which the Psyops guys begin a war with a rival podcast with
hosts that were more charismatic and quite frankly, just better
People who produce Hail Ming. Court's massive ego would not allow him
to accept that they could produce a mostly clean show and be
so popular when he could only wallow in such offensive and degrading filth in
one such divergent timeline. This led to what was known as the first gangster
podcasting war. The competition and diss tracks led to Court being
shot outside of his favorite comic book shop. The Hale man
scamming guys deny any involvement and they always seemed like such nice
fellas anyway. So most people think Kord faked his own
death in that timeline and went underground producing weapons for supervillains
who wanted efficient union busting robots. What a scumbag.
Also important to note that the Mad from this same timeline got sober
and went back to school, earning a master's degree. He had just
finished paying off all of his debts and bought a new home for himself.
The day before the union busting robots rebelled against humanity and
wiped them all out. Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah yeah.
Recording in progress okay, Mothra.
Mothra from 1961 episode 488.
3. 2.
Another failed spike of a timeline saw the end when the Hail
Ming guys lured Matt away to their show by offering him to cover the
Star wars films. When he eagerly agreed that Matt became responsible
for the end of Hail Ming after a single attempt to record with him reportedly
frustrated the pair so greatly, they finally destroyed the Earth and took
War Rocket Ajax home. Most timelines first identified and
deleted by this nexus point were also calculated as what would be later termed
as less fuck around in their approach to daily survival and more making
logical observations, constructing a hypothesis,
testing and experimenting with that hypothesis until you either
got it so right that you found a constant or just made it so no
one else could prove your methods wrong. The Good Dying Young applies
to divergent timelines as well. It's just real fucking gross.
If I had a choice, I would never have started paying attention
to multiversal causality. Sifting through multiple realities like
this just feels a lot like lazy writing and not a plausible
reality. One observes the destruction of fall to.
Pieces on the pirate radio edit. So enjoy that and kick the fuck out of
this week and make it your bitch. All of the songs featured in this
show were definitely in John Hughes movies of Somewhere. I'm positive
somehow that one I know for sure was in Dutch because we just watched it
last night. Oh, nice.
All right, so let's not talk about that. Let's get done
with making sure that we can stop the recording.
Recording stopped.