Cinema Beef Podcast : You Got The Reich's Stuff (Monuments Men/Jane And The Lost City)

Lost city, billions of diamonds, Nazi agents,

colonels. Sir, you must think I was born. Yesterday for the

auntie's time. It's true. And keep your

voice down. Don't want the whole world to know. Jack,

why do you think we're here? I'll get all of you to

Abu Abu and then you're on your own.

What's wrong? Coming to the territory of the Water Warriors.

Is that bad? Very bad. Don't think

I like the way he said that. We don't know much about them, except they

are killers. Okay, everybody, just keep your eyes peeled.

Hello, folks. Welcome to CinemaBeef podcast. I am one of your

hosts, Gary Hill. And with you tonight is Suzanne.

Greetings from the person that spent two hours poking themselves in the eye trying

to get used to contacts.

Nice. Sometimes that vanity thing is a

real. Ain't it? You know, just that you don't know where there's heavy glasses.

Oh, I just. Just want to be able to see.

Right. That's all. Yeah, there's that.

There's that with us

tonight also, you know, still carrying that torch for subpar chicken

sandwiches because he loves so much that makes.

They Must be destroyed on Site podcast. Mr. Lee Russell is here.

How you doing, sir? Great. And the, the joke is of course that I don't

like the McChicken. Actually. I think it's also a piece of.

But just, just comparison. One of the.

Comparing one of the like, worst fast food sandwiches to like

the most rotten, disgusting looking food in the world.

It's just, it's that. That's basically the joke. But yeah,

it's like, you know, soggy lettuce on a chicken

patty with subpar mayonnaise. It just sounds delicious.

No, not at all, man. That seasoned patty,

though, God damn. You know.

You can disaster. You just ask for that,

Take that, take that out of the sandwich and throw the, throw the extra

away. The, the demographics will give me that special kind of drunk

that. That would eat that and say, yeah, but, you know,

sober, not so much, you know. Well, that's. That's what

the Burger King have it your way is for. It's for the people

who are drunk at like 2:00am, you know,

or those. Subpar chicken sandwiches that are not Popeyes or

try to be like Popeyes. And you know, it just. This is a Popeyes

chicken sandwich. It just, it's just not. You know, I've never,

I've never had Popeyes. But we have a chain up here

in Canada. I think there's a few in America too, called Mary

Browns. Which is really, really good. So it

sounds like maybe a Southern thing, like Bojangles. We don't have that here either.

But that's, that's, that's a Southern thing. Suzanne knows about

it, probably. Oh, yeah.

Oh my gosh. That's enough talking about food. We're all very starving now, I'm sure,

for delightful soggy lettuce. But yes,

I was actually smart. I got dinner done and

I told Pat. I'm like, I don't want to be shoveling food in my mouth

at 7:55. Can we please just

move this along? And he said, I want to see the face up.

I'm like, just get me the bowl.

See, the problem the women are, is. And I. I live with one that

pulls the so what are we having for dinner thing.

And then you have no preference, but they're still pressing the fact

that what do we have for dinner? What will make you complain?

Just explain this to me, please. You know, and then we'll have that,

you know.

Wow. I think you. I think you share

some of the sexist attitudes of one of the movies we're covering tonight.

Oh, gosh, it's just, it's. It's an annoyance,

Lee. I'm not her husband or, or her boyfriend, and, you know,

I'm that other animal, so there's that, you know. Yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah, we'll get into all that. But I'll get into it right now.

Ask Lee what he's been watching lately. All right, I'll just mention

two things real quick.

So I do a little thing where

I. I screen movies sometimes for. For my friends on Saturday

nights when I'm not podcasting. And so

it was, you know, it's Black History Month still as we're recording.

And I tend to do black exploitation films in

February, so one of the ones we did last

weekend was the Black Gestapo.

A little bit of tie in to what we're covering tonight.

But yeah, it. With a name like

Black Gestapo, you would think it would probably be the most extreme,

like, just on the nose exploitation

of that concept that you could possibly think of. But it actually isn't

as bad as it sounds. It's basically just,

you know, exploiting the idea of, like, black power movements at

the time. And like, what if one went so over the

edge that they basically just started emulating Nazis

and basically just become Nazis by the end?

And it doesn't really interrogate that idea all that

much. It just uses that as a kind of high concept kind of idea to

do a really good exploitation Black exploitation film with

a lot of killing, a lot of titties,

and a lot of fun performances. It's got

Charles Robinson from Night Court as the main.

The main black Nazi, basically. Oh, my God.

Yeah, so that's. That was a fun little discovery.

Like, I'd known about this film for a long time, but I'd never seen it.

And then. And watching it, it's like, oh, that.

That's Charles Robinson from Night Court there. What the.

I. I knew he had been in a couple of movies around this time.

I know, I know. Like, he's also in Sugar Hill, which is another one we

showed recently. But,

yeah, this was fun. It. It does have, like, you know,

these white gangsters are, like, abusing the black

community. And the black power group

that's kind of like, policing the black community isn't hardcore

enough. So some of them sp and, like, become the

black Gestapo. And when they basically

wipe out all the white gangsters, they become just as

bad as the white gangsters and, like, sort of take over their. Their.

Their racket that they were running. Like, you know, they had, like,

a racketeering thing going, and with all the different businesses and stuff

going on and all that. So, yeah,

it's. It's actually a really fun exploitation movie.

Well worth checking out. It's definitely a more trashy

blaxploitation film, but if you like trashy black exploitation films, it's one

of the better ones. The only other thing I'll mention,

I watched Captain America, Brave New World, The.

The. The latest MCU film I

got, I torn it a. One of those, like,

illegal copies where someone's, like, actually in the projection booth

recording it with a camera that's set up perfectly, and they're, like,

you know, plugged into the. To the actual sound

system that's playing the. The audio. So you get, like, pretty much perfect

sound and everything. Not great.

Pretty mid. Pretty safe for a Marvel

movie. You know, they don't. Again, here's another thing where it's,

like, it's a film that should be talking about black issues. Like, it should be

talking about, hey, black Captain America. That's an interesting

idea given, you know, the US Government's

history of imperialism and racism. And what does it mean to

be a black Captain America, like, existing under that

system? And of course, it doesn't interrogate it at all. Really kind

of plays it really, really safe. You got Harrison Ford taking

over William Hurts, character of General

Ross, because, of course, William Hurt died in, what, 2022,

I believe. And Harrison Ford's fine in it.

Like, he's. He's picking up a paycheck. But I'll say this, for Harrison Ford,

even when he's just, like, slumming it and picking up a paycheck, he still gives

a pretty good performance. So he's pretty good in this.

The less said about him turning into the Red Hulk, the better, though,

because it's just.

I don't know why the. The MCU has not

caught on that their CGI is terrible. Like, they have just not

been delivering for the longest time now

through cgi. And this stuff is worse than

the CGI and she Hulk. Like, it's really bad.

The action scenes look terrible when there's, like, CGI going

on. I think everyone else is pretty good in it.

They. They got. Giancarlo Esposito

is in this because of course he is. He's in everything now. He's like the

new Christopher Walken, I guess, because, you know, he's an actor of

gravitas, so put him in everything. But, you know,

he's got kind of a thankless role because he's just kind of wedged in as,

like, oh, here's the Serpent Society. Something we've never referenced

at all in any of the other movies as far as I can remember,

but they're a thing now. And so, yeah, okay.

Yeah, it's. It's just. It's not a great film, but I guess

it's probably better than most of the stuff that has come

out from the MCU in this, like, recent phase or whatever.

So. I mean, that's a super low bar, but, you know, it's watchable.

And it's under two hours, which is probably the biggest selling

point for this one. It's like, yeah, you can get in and get out,

and it runs pretty smooth pretty quick. It's okay.

But, you know, I. I don't think. I don't think it's gonna sway any of

the, like, incel. Weirdo nerds who are gonna

scream woke every time they see a black person on the screen.

And, you know, they're. They're not gonna buy into black Captain

America no matter what. And. And the movie doesn't do anything to sway

the more casual audience either into, like, hey,

here's our new Captain America. Accept it. It's like,

okay, it's. They did. It's fine, but it's

not great. I heard it sets a lot of stuff up, though, as far as,

like, what's to come a little bit.

And it kind of. It references Some stuff that

had been hanging a little bit for a while. Like that Eternals movie

that everyone wants to forget happens. It references

the Celestial or whatever that came out of, like, the Indian Ocean.

Like, that's kind of the whole main thrust of the plot is that, like,

the MacGuffin there is that the Celestial is made out of adamantium.

So, like, that's the new rare mineral. And all the different countries are like,

we want to get a. Get a hold of that for its, you know,

weapons and science and medical applications.

So that. That's. That's kind of like the. The whole main point

of the story is that they're all racing there to. To be the first to

get it. And. And so, you know, it does kind of reference a couple

things and set up a couple things, but it's not. I wouldn't say it

does that much. And of course, it also does

sort of pay off what's his face. I can't

remember. But the guy who play. Who's the leader and

he. He was in the. The Hulk movie. The.

Oh, yes. Yeah. So, like, Blake Nelson, right? Yes,

yes, Tim Blake Nelson. So it pays that off. He's finally the leader.

And I know people are kind of like, on how he

looks because it's, like, all pretty much practical effects, and it kind of just looks

like, you know, okay, monster makeup. But I kind of dug that,

like, especially compared to the CGI in this film.

I would have took this Tim

Blake Nelson stuff over that CGI anytime. Like,

it at the very. Like, you know, it looks like stuff I'm

used to. It's like, I've seen all the Toxic Avenger films, and it's.

It's better than that, so I'm okay with it. And Tim

Blake Nelson's pretty cool as the Leader, too. Like, he's actually an interesting villain,

but. Great actor, you know? Yeah, yeah.

That's as ugly as that Modoc and in the Ant man

movie. Oh, that was terrible. Yeah, that's pretty ugly.

I don't know why they didn't just get Pat Oswalt

to do it. Oh, yeah, he's good at it.

Yeah, for sure. Oh, my gosh. What about you,

Sue? Well, I finally got around to

watching Long Legs, and I have

to admit, I was totally blown

away by how good this movie was. It had every

element that I can ever ask for in a movie.

And I'm like, I have to admit, over with Nick Cage

doing all these terrible movies for a paycheck to

pay off his debts. I'm just. I'm not a Nick Cage person,

but he managed to pull off just

insane in this movie.

It also checked off. I'm sorry. Every once in a while just give me

a little bit of gore, actually, you know, just give me a lot of gore.

I've had a bad day. I want to see a ton of, of blood.

I want to see heads bash brains,

wall intestines splatting. I have

days like this, this movie. I, I,

I'm so completely impressed.

I mean, they checked a bunch of the silence, the lamb boxes,

you know, a little bit of the Will Graham and

the weird connection and being able to get inside

people's heads things. Yep.

And the cast was Alicia Witt. I was really surprised

to see her in that role of all people.

Yeah, that's a pretty, this is a pretty brave performance to like kind

of put yourself out there like that. Very just like unappealing and like.

Yeah, yeah. And the other one I've been

anybody who'll listen to me about. It's one that's been on shudder.

It's called Oddity. Yeah, that's a great film. I love that.

Well, I mean it's, it's an unused story. I mean,

the Golem, come on. This goes back to,

you know, the Russian Civil War.

Yeah. And it's barely been touched upon.

I still have, I own the silent movie.

There was a great book. I do believe it was like late 70s,

early 80s called the Tribe that Barry Wood wrote

that. Every couple of years I grab this book and read it because I find

it fascinating.

And once again, and it's very underscored.

It's not. I hate jump scares. I can see a jump

scare a mile away. They genuinely built up

atmosphere, made you uncomfortable the whole

time. And that is a rare quality in

films lately. Yeah, I agree that that was a

really well done and it just sort of came out of nowhere. It's like,

oh shit, what is this? And it. Oh, I know. That's exactly it.

And the other one, just for shits and giggles. I was in a

truly terrible mood on Sunday, so my husband popped in the

thing. You can't be in a bad mood and watch the Thing. It's impossible.

So I can't even count how many times I've seen the Thing

since it was released. I really can't. But it was

just kind of nice. Just sometimes going back to it's,

it's a comfort movie for me. Yeah. That's pretty

much just the bunches of little stuff.

Nothing to be honest, worth mentioning. Unless.

Oh yes, I do Have a non recommendation. If you

ever accidentally click this movie, do yourself a

favor and shut it the off. It's so. It's.

It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Once again, it was

shutter. They mostly have hits.

Every once in a while there's misses. I was. I gotta build up

this so I don't sound like an idiot.

New bartender was working and I'm like hey, I'll be by

my phone if you need anything. So I just trying to

find something low key enough that I'm not into. If she calls

unfriended. Dark Web. This. This thing should be

eradicated from all existence.

If everybody had died in the first three minutes, it would

have been a great movie. It is absolutely

horrible. It's terribly made.

And there's a couple of movies that kind of did this hole with

the whole everybody's on FaceTime and it's.

It worked not perfectly, but enough

that you're kind of into it. This is bloody

awful. It is. If I could score this, it would have to

be like a negative 200.

It is bad. Shudder.

Just take the thing down. Make it go away. No one

should ever watch this movie.

I definitely didn't like the first one. So it's like. Yeah, I'm definitely

never checking the next one out. So. Yeah. Oh,

the one once again. It was another one of those. It's just for me

sometimes it's just background noise. The first one was literally when

it was over. Like did I watch a movie? I don't remember anything.

So I don't know why I thought this was going to be any better.

I didn't. Well, I didn't think it was going to be any better at all.

I just needed something non committal to have on in the

background to stay awake. Yeah,

well that's pretty much where I'm at. And okay, it's almost.

It's Cactus League baseball. So I'm very happy.

Nice. We're caught up.

Beautiful. Yeah. I got a series of new

watches and re watches that I'll talk about right now. I stuff

like stuff I probably should have caught by now. And one of them is the.

The history of Ungentle Ungentlemanly Warfare.

It's a long title for a film. But this guy Richie,

it's. It's a good time. Again. World War II is

the theme of this episode. This has it in spades.

It's a fun guy, Richie action movie and Henry Cavill's

in it. And I love when I see Carrie always show up

in something. And yeah, this is that. Till Schweiger

was in that movie too. I was that guy in forever and anything. But he's

probably done like 10 things that I haven't seen though, and probably the past

20 years. But I digress. This is a good time.

Guy Richie does action films like this very well. And this

is a big bombastic Nazi killing action movie.

And if you can't appreciate that, then I. I don't

know, man. It's just. It's just. It's just a good time.

Heard good things about that one. I keep hearing from people that I respect

their opinion, saying, yeah, this is pretty good, you know, don't sleep on it.

So. I watched two garage

movies because our man. I forget the actor's name and I should know this,

but right now, the actor played Hatchet Harry

for From Lock Stock. Two Smoking Barrels passed away,

so. So I had to watch that movie at work one day. And this

is the reason why I still call Jason Statham Bacon,

you know, to the state. Like, oh, baker's another action.

We got. Check it out. And you know, that's his

character in that movie. And the dialogue is quick.

I love the Rory Breaker character a lot in

that movie. And the whole conversation with the.

The weed dealers, you know, back and forth, Elijah, the semi conscious

glory gag, it's just everything in

that movie. I just love it. Yeah.

Another new watch that I should have watched by now.

I watched Wicked because it was inevitable. And I watched Wicked a

couple times. I forgot to mention it last time because this is a film that

I. I really enjoyed. My mother, my sister,

my aunties, they all saw the stage play. So eventually I was gonna get to

it and I was gonna meant to go to the movies to go see this,

but I didn't. I really enjoyed it.

I can't say I enjoyed the music, all of it, but I enjoy

the idea of it. And Ariana Grande.

And I forget the other African

American actress's name. I should know this.

They mentioned her name like a bunch of times, but it's real fine.

Michelle Yeoh is evil. They're fly. There are flying monkeys

in this movie. Eventually she does defy gravity.

Eventually. And I got really excited when it happened. For some reason, just something in

my. My soul where I got really excited. I was like, wait, there's a broom.

She's gonna fly now. And I got really excited. And you know,

yeah, it just. It just. And if you don't like it, that's fine. I just

wish somebody would feed the Ariana Grande.

Because I'm concerned for this woman in her health because she,

she looks unhealthy as far as, like, that goes. And.

Yeah, I don't know, it's. It's strange.

Oh, I had three people gift me the book and

then at one point for my birthday

or something, Pat's like, oh, would you like to go see it on stage?

I'm like, no.

Yeah, I don't, I don't know if I ever watched that unless, like,

my co host, Lady Lee somehow, like, tricks. Me into

watching it and that's fine. You know, it's just the wizard of

Oz, much like probably all of us, so we're brought up

on. Yeah, just Judy Garland lived in my house

for, for a while with that and meet me in St. Louis and stuff

like that. It just, it just played in my house. So I'm

sorry. Oh, no, no. When I was a kid, when the wizard

of Oz was on, this was back in the days of like 13 channels.

Thank you. I'm old, you know, it was, it was

an event. You know, I have such fond memories of

it. Like I said, I couldn't get more than 100

pages into the book. All three copies. Thank you very

much. It just. I don't know, it just didn't.

Didn't have the magic for me. Fair enough.

One thing I'll mention is that I probably watching more wrestling

and listening to more podcasts than ever before, because I could do

both, really watch the wrestling and listen to podcasts at the same time.

God bless. Multiple screens.

It's the multiple screens. It's. It's multitasking.

And I will say one thing about the AW product.

I, I am enjoying the smaller stadiums that they're going into

because the crowd is louder and they replace Mercedes

Monet with a puppet. And if they replace more folks with puppets,

I think I would be much more happy as a wrestling fan

because Harley Cameron is really working

with, with that Mercedes Monet Muppet. And if

I, If I had a Jon Moxley Muppet where they would just show them up

and not him talking, I. I think I would be enjoying that

a lot more. The product, because I'm

getting really sick of the Death Riders, but I'll watch

it because we'll. Because Will Osprey's out there, so I'll watch

it. So, you know, I'd enjoyed. I'd enjoy it if, If Tony

Khan actually hired people who actually know wrestling and know how to book.

That'd be great. Yeah.

And also, you know, the, the thing is, like, I will say I

don't really watch aew. I kind of checked out, like,

after. Kind of like the first year or so, because it's just like, not for

me, dog. But had they started out

in smaller venues and, like, built themselves up instead of trying to

pretend they were a national promotion right out of the gate, they probably would

have fared a lot better. But just because, you know, Tony Khan has billions

of dollars behind him, he decides, I'm just gonna. I'm gonna throw money at big

buildings. And then after a while, you can't

fill those buildings anymore. And your product on TV looks like,

dog, you got no one to blame but yourself.

And he is the central problem of that, that promotion.

If he could, like, you know, let people who actually

know wrestling do a bunch of the work instead of him

just blitzed out on cocaine doing everything,

he might find himself enjoying the.

The whole thing a lot more. Just putting it out there. But.

And the people watching would definitely, probably enjoy it a lot more. And when he

comes out, he should come out as a Muppet and just do some Muppet talking

to the Tony. I mean, if they, you know, if they had. If they had

to make. If they had debuted

Mercedes Monet, Muppet from the get go and just never hired her to the

roster, they would have saved themselves a lot of man.

Well, they'd have to give her something because the likeness rights or whatnot.

But, you know. Yeah, the Harley Halftime show does it

for me. I don't know what it is, you know. Yeah,

but, yeah, we're here tonight to talk about two films

in which Nazis are seeking treasure. And of course,

people are going to foil their plans. And we're

doing that with My Imran's Men from 2014

and what I've never seen until this, the show. And I'm excited

to talk about the crazy sexism of it all.

1987's Jane and the Lost City.

Yeah, let's go to the Prestige Picture first.

I think that's the best plan.

So Jane in the Lost City. Yes, indeed.

But no, the other one, the monument spread from 2014.

Want to get into the war. Monuments Man.

Time to put a team together and. Do our best to protect buildings,

bridges and art before the Nazis destroy everything. How many

men? Six. Jesus. Well, with you at seven,

that's much better. So you want to go into a war zone with

some architects and artists and tell our boys what they can. And cannot blow up?

That's right. Aren't we a little old for that? Yes.

We go through basic and then we wait for orders. Basic. Little help.

Basic training. Oh, boy.

If you destroy an entire generation of. People'S culture,

it's as if they never existed. We got company.

Frank. We gotta go. That's what Hitler wants,

and it's the. One thing we can't allow. So we get to shoot some


It's your responsibility now. I've never shot at anyone


He really wanted it all.

We better get it back.

What have you got? I seem to have stepped on a landmine.

Why'd you do something like that? What do you got? Lieutenant here seems to have

found himself on top of an unexploded mine. Why would you do that? You all

been spending too much time together.

The monuments man from 2014.

Your cheap applause synopsis is an. Unlike The World

War II platoon is tasked to rescue art masterpieces from

German thieves and return them to their owners.

This is written, directed and starring

George Clooney. Matt Damon is

in this film as James Granger. Bill Murray's. In this film is Richard

Campbell. Cate Blanchett as Claire Simone. John Goodman

as Walter Garfield. Jean Jardin as Jean Claude Clairmont.

Hugh Bonneville as Donald Jeffries.

The phenomenal Bob Balaban. I can't praise this guy

enough. And anything as Preston. Yes,

indeed. But, yeah, this is a. A film

that, you know, I should have liked upon its release.

And. And I'm sure we'll get into why I still think it's kind of subpar.

And I'll start there with Suzanne. Suzanne, what you think of Monuments

Man. Okay, well, I'm gonna preface this just a touch.

Okay. I tried to watch this. When it came out, like,

three times, I was out cold within 20 minutes.

It's. I will admit it's very, very dry,

but I actually started doing a little before

I watched it, because I remember watching this.

We. I used to have a channel, and they used to do,

like, three days a week, this thing on art heists

and stolen art.

Absolutely fascinating. Can't remember the name of it. Don't know where it is.

But they did one on, and they even briefly mentioned

it in the movie last night. The Klimt pieces,

the Girl with the golden something.

There were several. It was just gold was the main color. But just very,

very beautiful pieces. And I just

got kind of mentioned, which brought it all back last night.

So I know a little bit about the backstory

and the stolen art, the destroyed art, which is

heartbreaking. Yeah, I.

This movie is good in pieces.

There are portions of it that are just really

interesting. Pull your Attention in.

Then we go to parts where it's just.

I. I just. I can't really put my finger. It's boring.

Okay, there. There we go. Yeah, they don't.

It's. It could have possibly, you know,

maybe 15 minutes trimmed off,

but there are just parts of this movie that just,

with the goal of the story,

just. Are just extraneous pieces that

don't need to be there. But I will.

I do want to step into the cast. You do have an amazing cast

here. I'm not a huge

Kate Blanchett fan. She's very good in some

things. And I just. I. I just. I find

her uppity and she just.

She just kind of. Most movies I see her in,

she just puts off that uppity vibe.

Though it works in this one. Matt Damon, I have to admit,

he was probably one of the best characters in this movie.

And I found. I love Bob Balaban in.

Yeah, An Unnatural Way because the man, he's.

He's great. It's so many things. He's a great director,

he's a great actor, but he's. He's got

this. I will put my nose to the grindstone and make everybody awkward

while I'm doing it. And he pulls this off just

stunningly. Bill Murray,

just for me, I think he was almost throwaway. He just.

You could have put anybody in that part. There was nothing about it that

made it. Bill Murray. If I'm. I could be

out of line, but, you know, we'll see the same thing

once again. George. George. Apparently, John Goodman,

for me, stole a lot of scenes. He just had just that kind

of demeanor about him, but for

the most part, it's. It's a decent movie.

It's definitely worth a view. It may

take you a few times because it takes so long to get off

the ground. That's my biggest fallback with

this movie, is It's. It's paced terribly,

that all of the things that are good about it just kind of

get lost in the mix because it's like,

okay, we're here, people are shooting each other, nothing for a

very long time. And you're sitting. You're into it,

and then they tick all of the wind out of your

sails. Because it just. For me,

like I said, this movie falls apart with pacing. I enjoyed

it when I finally was able to stay awake for it, but it's

not put together well. It really isn't. There may

be a few other points you both have that can extrapolate on

a little bit, but this movie,

they're being good. It has a lot of issues.

So I will let whoever wants to go next take

it away. Yeah, go for Lee. This is

my second watch of this film. Back when I watched it in

2014, I was just kind of meh on it. I was just like,

okay, it's. It's George Clooney. He generally produces

really good stuff. He's got an amazing cast,

like, from top to bottom, just like a crazy cast.

And, you know, he's kind of the guy who has the kind of clout,

at least at that time, where he could. He could put together a great cast.

And, you know, Clooney was putting out some bangers of

films around that time too. You know, he had a good track record.

And this is a great story. Like, this is a great

real life story that is worth reading

about and. And, you know, reading about

the real people behind. Because nobody in the. Other than, like,

Winston Churchill in the cast and maybe a couple other people are

not like, none of these people are real people. They're all,

like, combinations or based on kind of things

of, like, the real people that were in this unit.

Like, there was like, over 300 volunteers,

both men and women, that were sort of part of this.

This thing to. To save stolen art and,

you know, preserve art that the Nazis were either stealing or destroying.

And this is kind of where this film falls apart. And I totally

agree with Suzanne here. It's a major pacing

issue because Clooney makes the mistake

of trying to cover a little bit of everything when

he should have been really just focusing on a couple people and, like,

making it a min on a mission film and a good

men on a mission film. You got your team together throughout the entire film for

the most part, where you're. You're following that unit through the whole thing.

Like, be it Kelly's Heroes to Saving

Private Ryan, you're following

the same group of guys pretty much throughout the whole thing. Maybe a couple of

them split off once in a while, but for the most part, they're.

They're a cohesive group here. The movie jumps

back and forth between pairs of people everywhere, and you

don't really get to know the characters well enough, and you

don't really get to, like, invest in them.

I. I found personally and tonally,

the film is just totally off. It wants

to give you this jaunty, comedic almost kind of score behind

everything and present, like,

comedic moments. But it also wants

to do the thing that every movie since Saving Private Ryan

does. And, like, we've got to be more. We Got to be

more fact based about the horrors

of war. We've got it. We've got to be more realistic.

And when that brushes up against the kind

of comedy stuff that they're doing in this, which is, and you

know, this is another thing about Clooney. He's a very old school kind of guy

when it comes to his Hollywood stuff and the movies he likes.

A lot of the people in this are doing stuff that you

would see like the Rat Pack doing in movies back

in the day where they, they'd have like a comedic charm thing

going on. And like, any of the serious stuff

would be a lot more toned down, but here the serious

stuff is toned up quite a bit and it's brushing up

against the comedy and the comedy feels outdated and wrong

when, when, you know, like smashing up against the horrors of

war that are presented in this film. And so there's, you know,

there's, there's a tonal balance here that's off. There's, there's just

a episodic weirdness to this

that makes it hard to connect everything going on. If,

if, if Clooney had managed to like, just narrow

this down to like a group of like say five people

in a squad together doing the thing,

that would be much more interesting. Because, you know,

this, if, if you look into the history of this, this stuff, like, Clooney gets

a lot of wrong. And like, I, I mean, I don't feel like

he was, you know, doing it wrong because

he was stupid about this. He's intentionally changing

the facts of this. He's changing the names of everybody. He's changing

what happened and what happened when and, and how.

So why not just do that in the context of like a really

solid min. On a mission film with like a group of like five

to ten people all together going straight through

the thing instead of like trying to split everybody apart and just

this whole thing up. Yeah, it's, it's just

a really hard watch. I, on the second watch, I, I kind

of hated this film. I was, I was getting

to the end of it. I was like, can, can we just get on with

this? I mean, it picks up a little bit at the end, but for the

most part I was just like, these people are wasted. Like, these actors are

all really good. Speaking to what Suzanne was

saying about Bill Murray, you know, around this time,

he's got that cloud of like, I've been in a bunch of Wes Anderson films,

so I can just walk on to a film and say some

and everyone's gonna Love it. And it's like, it doesn't really work in

this film. Like, if anything, Bob Balaban's carrying his

ass in this film. And Bob Balaban is actually the best thing in

this film as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed him because he's

just, he's in a different movie. It's enjoyable

to see him just in a different movie. And yeah,

no, I. I kind of. I kind of hated this movie on the

second watch. I was just like. It's because it's so much

talent and just so much wasted potential

and just bad decisions that kind of like. It kind

of irked me the wrong way this time watching it.

I mean, you guys are all right about everything. I mean. But you mentioned

Kelly's heroes. This should have been your modern

day Kelly's heroes. Yes, in my opinion,

if they were all together. But like you said, you have this on

like a, A European scale to where they have to be in different

places to get different things. You split up these, these six

or eight. These eight people, I think, all together.

You know, there should have been a much larger.

Larger scale. Their search for these, the stolen art.

I would love to read the actual story of all this too,

just to get a little insight about what actually happened.

I think one of the big problems this film was you

have a great cast that's very capable of making

a good movie. There's a lot of. There's a lot of tragedy

in this film, but there's not so much.

I don't want to say make it fun, but that's a good thing.

That's. Was the medium that, that made Kelly T. Work so well, is that

there was a serious situation going on there. But I'm not saying,

you know, throw, throw a. Throw oddball in there, you know,

throw in there to lighten the mood. But,

you know, make it, make it. I. I hate you again.

Gotta go back to Clooney and Matt Damon. Make it more like

Ocean's Eleven in a way, just to say,

hey, you know, let's take this serious

war movie. Yeah. That we're trying to make,

you know, it. Add. Add some footage there because anytime Bob

Bella bends on screen with somebody,

there's the part where, where they, they get.

He gets busted outside, I guess, taking a piss. But there's a Nazi

there. That part with him and J. Goodman is gold.

You know, the part with him and Bill

Murray go off alone is, Is gold. There needs to be more of that,

you know. No, you're right. Like Clooney's

Obviously trying for the, the sort

of Ocean's Eleven formula, like kind of, you know,

stuck into this Men on a mission film. But he just doesn't,

he doesn't nail it. Like, it, it just, it doesn't connect.

And he's also like, he seems really concerned

about making America the heroes and

like, kind of whitewashing a lot of, you know,

just like any, any of the bad things America might have done during the war.

Like, it's a real American exceptionalism

kind of narrative going on.

So that also kind of especially these days, not to,

you know, company excluded in this, in this call, but,

you know, the Americans are not necessarily putting their best foot

forward these days in the world stage. So,

like watching this movie kind of like, really,

it's a real stinker when it comes to that. It's just like,

oh, bad taste in the mouth. No, the way that he split them

up, it's almost, I think he even says cereal and

present it. I mean, for me,

the problem there is the flow. The flow is broken

when you're jumping between what every pair

is doing and it takes you out

because you're like, oh, wait, what? Okay, how did I get here?

There was really no step.

You're just there. I mean, I don't need to be spoon fed,

but if you're going to cut to that, it needs to make sense.

And it feels like, it feels like it cuts like some

of the, you know, when he's going for the serious stuff where he's

like, oh, one of our characters dies or something, and that

should be a really serious moment. It feels like it, it undercuts

it because we're immediately moving on to something else almost right afterwards.

And, oh, I know when he's there holding his chest and we

just jump to the next instead of like,

wait a minute. Yeah. No, this is a powerful

moment that you're, you've just squandered.

Mm. It's the presentation. I'm sorry.

Oh, no, no, go ahead. I'm done. You get more

time with Bill Murray, you know, when he gets the record or whatever he gets

for, from his family. And I, I think it's a real nice moment of the

film to where, you know, we get a phonograph and then,

you know, they, they play the recording. And it's tonight's Christmasy

moment and nice emotional moment for Bill Murray.

I'm enjoying this when it's not to Bill Murray because

people, like, suck off Groundhog Day. And I,

I've seen it this, I've seen it for the first time this year and I'm

still not a credit all the way through and I'm still not

impressed with all. But you know, I, with the exception of

like Stripes and Ghostbusters,

I, I prefer the dramatic, you know,

Bill Murray more than the other one at this point.

You know, don't get me wrong, like, I, I, I love

Bill Murray and I think a lot of the stuff he's, he's been

doing in the last 20, 30 years has been really great.

I just feel like the kind of stuff he's known for

doing, like the kind of Wes Anderson stuff doesn't really

fit this film. Like, like, if you want to do, like if you

want to do charm and comedy in a film like

this where you're trying to be more serious at the same time and

you're like, you know, you're trying to present an interesting serious

story. Unless you're going full on comedy.

In that case, yes, have Bill Murray do the he's doing in this film.

But if you're not going to do that, then you go for more of the

sort of charismatic charm that you get from like a Tom Hanks

in Saving Private Ryan. There's funny moments and Save it Private Saving

Private Rya. And there's charming moments in that film between the

characters as you're, you know, like trying to crack

jokes under the horrors of this mission

they're, they're undertaking when, when they should be going the home.

But they're going to like five fine Matt Damon's ass.

And that, that kind of resonates and

that's, that's powerful stuff. But here it's just like,

oh, it's Bill Murray. He's doing his Wes Anderton Anderson

thing in this movie and it's like really bumping up against

the seriousness and like the emotional thing

here and the like we're saving art and, and all that stuff,

like it just doesn't, it doesn't vibe with it. For me personally,

I, I just felt like it was a real juxtaposition that

didn't work. Well, there are a few scenes that should have carried

a lot more weight and the one we just discussed, when he

is shot in the chest,

he's gonna die. And the, just the

fast cut away from that. This is a powerful moment.

This is an important moment. The other one

that bothered me was it didn't

have to be long, it just needed to be proper.

When he finally sees the Rembrandt that his

grandfather would never let him see. You know,

I mean, seriously, this is A really important moment for

this character, actually, just seeing it, and it's

just kind of. It's not treated well.

And then with the rings in the teeth, you're almost there.

With that scene, you're almost there. They see the.

The teeth, the rings, the horror of that,

and it's. They missed it.

But these are important parts. And you're

right, it should have been pick a line for

the group to work together, but they tried to cover everything

and spread everything too thin. And I

can't say in proper hands it would have been treated any better, but maybe

somebody could have found, you know, a common thread

to, you know, get as much of the information,

flesh out, you know, the composite characters

a little bit. But none of this was done.

Yeah, I mean, the way. The way he mixes

and matches, like, real people and changes names and stuff, like you can

form. If you're gonna do that. Okay, that's cool. You know,

based on a true story. That's fine. You know,

you. You can assemble your team of these fictional based

on true people characters, and you can still kind

of follow the general narrative, what actually happened in real life, and you

can make them in on a mission story out of it.

But when you're just like. You're trying to cover everything,

it's just. You can't do it because this was such a major

operation. Like, there was a lot going on. A lot happened

in this story. Yeah. And you're just in. This movie

is like two hours, but you're still not. You're still not covering

it. You're not even scratching the surface, really. So it's better just

to have like, a solid unit of guys that you get to know.

You set it up at the beginning. Like, yes, this is a big undertaking.

This is just one group and like a massive undertaking

to, like, save this art. And you follow their one mission.

So, you know, the setup, you know, other stuff is going on. You could maybe

hear about it here and there as it's going on or whatever. And then

at the end, maybe you get like a little text thing

saying, also, these people saved this and. And this kind

of thing at the end, but you should just be following this core group on

a mission a minute. On a mission. Thing is a p. Is a thing people

understand. It's. It's an easy story to do. It's a.

It's a. It's a smart story to do cinematically.

And I. The. The fact that Clooney didn't do it,

especially when he's, like, trying to put, like, Ocean's eleven

kind of stuff into this thing which is all about a group of

people doing a thing. Why can't you do that?

Yeah. Brand new emotions. Love it.

They took that thing, you know from the 60s where you had these men

on a mission things and they all, they all. It's like a

spy thing. They all have their own specialty. You know one guy's

gonna take a peers. What one guy's, you know, you got the Asian

guy. They get a small spaces and is agile. You know.

All these people had. Had a purpose. I mean all these guys together in

here. Like I said, they broke them up. You know you

get to learn how they, how they would work together and it just,

it just, it just doesn't work and. But none of them are actually really soldiers.

This is why I find the concept and the more I think about

it, the more they. Norris they. So I

mean they weren't. They were, but they weren't.

They weren't, you know, battle tested soldiers.

Yep. And then they're out on their own in pairs.

Come on. Yeah. Which is just like okay. That's completely

unbelievable. They would be dead in 24

hours. Yep. Oh my gosh.

I'll kick it. This what you want to say about Monuments

Man? If this was a first time watch, this would

be on my worst of first time watches this year because the

second watch the second go around. I just,

I just found everything I missed. I. I must have

watched. I. I think one of the first time I watched this I was like

Suzanne. I was kind of sleeping through it because it, it takes

so long to get going. So I just kind of like eh.

It's mid. I'll give it two and a half stars on letterboxd or

whatever now it wouldn't be getting any stars. I kind of actively hate

this movie. I think it, I think it's. It just the talent

involved. Dropping the ball this hard is

insulting to the viewer. Like it's just.

It's probably the worst thing Clooney's ever done and that's including Return

of the Killer Tomatoes. So.

So there you go. At least he's

having fun in that movie. I will say that. Yeah. At least he gets to

roll around with Terry wiggle in her underwear on a bed for a scene.

Yeah. Suzanne. Except for me

finally sitting and watching it.

And for me it's, it's. It's wasted

potential. There is so many portions

of this movie that could be so very,

very good with the caliber of talent involved.

But he just didn't even deftly Turn it into vignettes.

It. It just. It just bothers me that

this is such a powerful story and

yet it's completely

mishandled. It's like he's trying to get everybody as much screen time

as possible without pulling

the common thread through. Yep. It just.

It. It pisses me off because this

should be amazing. It should be amazing.

I'm disappointed. I'm at, like, I'll give it

half a star because Bob Balaban is amazing. He is.

Yeah. Protect Bob Bellad. He's a treasure. Is. I'll say about that

one. Yes, indeed.

I. I think it said so much.

In a lot of movies, in the proper hands,

this film could have really been something. And I hate to say it

about Clooney because he's. He's made some good stuff over the years.

It's just. I think he was really reaching for something.

I. I'm not even gonna say that wasn't there. It was there.

But you. You needed to make it more like Kelly's Heroes to match your.

And I forgot to mention how stupid the. The jaunty

score was. That didn't match the movie. In this movie, too. Oh, it's terrible.


It'S playing that jaunty score while John Goodman and

what's his face are being shot at by that Nazi youth soldier

in the building. Like, what? There's another

moment that it. It's like Full Metal

Jacket when they realize it's that they finally go up. It's that

girl. Yeah. This is. This is completely

the horrors of war, and yet they're trying to make you laugh

about it. I'm surprised John

Goodman didn't. John Goodman didn't grab him and spank him.

Like the. The only. The. Honestly, I think the only

real human moment that kind of works in this film for the most part,

is when Bill Murray and Bob Balaban are sitting down with

that. That young kid who. Who had the gun on

Balaban, and they. They just share a smoke and then go their. Their separate

ways. Yeah, that's a good. That's a good little moment. I mean,

it's like, what film is that? What film is that from? Where's the film that

that's from? I want to see that film. Exactly.

I mean, you mentioned Wes Anderson. I mean, give this to us, Anderson. You know,

see what he'll do with the material. I would love to see that or.

Or the Cohen brothers or something. Anybody else.

Yeah, they would focus in one direction, right? Yes,

indeed. And this is all over the place, unfortunately. And I.

I like I said, this is a film that I should have liked it upon

its release. And I thought maybe it was just the frame of mind

I was in to say, hey, I didn't like this so much. So I

said, hey, I'm gonna watch it again. And now we're gonna do another show to

see what you guys think. Because I was. I was really confused

by. By my thoughts on the film.

And like I said, this is a cast that should have worked. It should

have worked. And it plays a lot of tragedy here, but the tragedy,

the tragedy is justified, just not executed

very well. It needs to be more fun and more

serious. What? It needed to be serious. And, you know,

you get a big mention of, you know, I'd like to say this one that

died and that one died, but you did it for the

art. Was it worth it? Blah, blah, blah. It'll say, but yes,

yes, it was. Yada, yada, yada. Who gives a. At that point? It. It just.

You didn't make them care about it. I mean, it's the people try to compare

the dawn of the Dead remake to. To the original one. While both are good

films, you know, the first version of that makes you concentrate

and make you care about those four. Those four characters.

I mean, this one has like eight characters. So it shouldn't have been that hard

for it be to. To build devastation to when one of them dies.

You know, I mean, they did it. They did it with a Dirty dozen,

for sakes. And there was a dozen of them. Oh, God, the Dirty Dozen is

almost perfect. That I love the Wild Geese.

Yes, the Wild Geese.

The, the.

The. Even the second one, the. The Spanda Prison one.

It's just. Once again, you have an amazing ensemble

cast and you, you mentioned it several times.

Men on a mission. This works. There's a reason this works.

There's a reason it still works.

Yep. Also just gotta point out that

the. The guy they got to be, the old George Clooney, is with his son

at the end. Man, does he not match up? Oh, God,

no. I'm sorry. George Clooney. You cannot make him look like

a regular person. He's a beautiful man. And if

you're gonna give me this guy who looks like, I don't know,

like a busted ass skid row

bum in the 70s comp, you know, I'm sorry.

Don't work. Don't work, bro. I was

like, oh, that's supposed to be George Clooney. Okay, that makes no

sense. Like George Clooney. You don't have to have Modesty. You can,

you can find somebody who looks really good and,

and just have you looking good in your 70s because you're gonna look good in

your 70s. Let's face it, you're almost there, if not there already. So.

No, if he's in his 60s. Yeah. So. Yeah. And he's

still. Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people would go hop

on that. I'm not gonna say I'm not one of them either.

I mean, I mean, him and Brad Pitt just did a movie together. What,

Wolves or something it was called, and I think it got buried.

But they're still looking good. Pitts in his like late 50s and

he looks like he's 30. So for sakes,

let's not kid anybody here. Yeah, I know. They are very pretty

men. It's, it's. But can we just do,

can we. Can Tom Cruise just spontaneously

combust or something? Because I cannot stand him. Well,

he probably will at some point. He's a vampire. There's something

wrong with his face. I want to make a statement.

Okay. Last time I was at Suzanne's house, I made her

watch Rocky pages. Enjoyed that.

Okay. Is. I'll say about that, you know. Well, I was getting like

my 80s hair metal on. Come on, man,

she can dig the artifice of 80s hair metal and,

and you know, ignore the artifice of Tom Cruise.

I have two brain cells to rub together.

So the end of this day is that Clint is a pretty dreamy man and

Bob Balaban needs to be protected.

No, he should be protected like an endangered species.

Yes, he needs. Bob Alaban's one of those dudes who needs to die

at like age 112 surrounded by friends and family and

a. 20 year old wife because he deserves it. Yeah,

but, yeah, that's, that's where we're land on this one. It's, it's not a recommend

by any of us, but you know, make your own decision,

I guess, you know. Yeah. Have fun.

Sucker man. Speaking of suckers,

man. And inappropriate indigenous people.

But we're going to talk about the next film after the here Jade

in the Lost City from 1987, rather this


The lost Ark, the doomed temple.

The restless natives. The dashing soldier of

fortune. The plucky heroine

who's ready for anything. And the friendly little

monkeys are all back together again.

And you're in for an epic, gigantic, really huge

event. That is a big one. You ain't seen nothing yet, baby. When you join

the search for the Lost City.

Where is the Lost City? The Lost City. The Lost City. What do you know

about this Lost City? Um, which one?

Barbie? It's Remarkable Courage.

We got your bravest warrior against unspeakable

evil. A whole week and I haven't targeted anyone. It's Deadly

Encounters. Look out. Compromising positions.

Made it. Pagan rights. Be careful.

Jan's annoyed. Don't think I like the way he

said that. Featuring the Queen from African Queen.

Jolly glad I didn't meet you on the hockey field. The Tango

from Last Tango. And the Krak

from Krakatoa. East of Java. Oh, God, that's all we

need. Starring Sam Jones as the unbeatable Jack.

Well, folks, I think we're in trouble. Maude Adams as Lola

Pagola. Hands up all of you. And Kirsten Hughes

as the ever resourceful Jane in the Smashing

Adventure epic that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Jane and the Lost City.

Jane and the Lost City from 1987.

Yoshima plot synopsis is this. Jade and the Colonel

must travel to Africa to the Lost City to retrieve the diamonds

before the Germans do. Based on the classic adult the UK comic strip

Jane, especially popular during World War II for its strong

pin up elements. This is directed by Terry Marcel who

gave us some interesting genre stuff. I'd say.

Prisoners of the Lost Universe. Starring the great Richard Hatch from

Hawk the Slayer. Which is entertaining.

Sort of sandal fair. Yeah. That's about the.

The height of what I enjoy that he did. I. I explore a

lot. A lot of other TV other than that. Right? Yeah, a lot of tv.

But those two are pretty good. And I, I don't. I don't hate this movie

for spoilers, you know. He also helped write the film as well.

The stars, Sam J. Jones himself. Mr.

Flash Gordon as Jungle Jack Buck Octopus

herself. Mod Adams as Fraulein Lola

Pagola. My favorite character of the whole

thing plays hey Rick times

three because he plays all his brothers too. Yeah.

Cursed uses Jane Graham Stark,

who is featured in a bunch of Pink Panther films that I have not seen.

It's a blue blind spot for me, those Pink Panther films.

Robin Bailey is the Colonel. Ian Roberts classic

Meathead as Carl the Enforcer. Elso Tool is

the Leopard Queen. John Rapley is Dr.

Schnell Shell who I should. I'm gonna look right now and tell you what I've

seen a minute. I've seen his face at least six things.

You know. Is this the guy that could easily been Donald Pleasance.

Yes, that guy. Yeah. No,

he. You know what it is? He looks like a bootleg Edwin.

That's why he looks familiar to me because I can't see anything

he's been in. But I've seen Edwin in a whole bunch of things,

so maybe that's like a. My brain's clouded there in

a way. Yeah. But this is a real simple story about.

Again, it follows the formula of this group that's trying to

beat the Nazis to these diamonds in a

very African lost city.

And comic prep. Balls and

clothes come off for no reason at all. I can't stop laughing.

I'll kick it to leave first. January, Lost City from 1987.

What are your thoughts on sir? I had a lot more fun with this

than Monuments Men, that's for sure. I had

seen bits and pieces of this growing up,

so probably explains some of my fetishes.

Especially when it comes to clothes ripping off of people of

the female persuasion. This is very

Carry on or Benny Hill in. In a lot of its presentation,

if you're familiar, that kind of stuff from British humor of like,

hey, sexy lady loses her clothes. Like very much the same kind of

sort of tradition of that. And I mean, honestly,

you know, it precedes Carry on in Benny Hill because of

course this is based on the Norman Pet comic books

comic strip series, I should say, from the 30s that

got really popular, as you said, Gary, during World War II for its pin

up elements, which is true. Like, it was very much a like

serialized female spy thing,

but with the sexy pinup elements to it

was kind of what it was. It was very, very parody.

Very much a parody of like Pulp Stories is what

it was. And then this is very much a parody of the Indiana

Jones stuff that was out. Like, you know, there's all kinds of ripoff Indiana

Jones stuff. And this is very much more of a parody of that kind

of stuff. It feels like the gods must be crazy to some extent,

but not as zany as that film is not a slapstick,

I'd say. But it's very.

It's very light and breezy. You know, when we get into it, I'll. I'll talk

about some of the things I didn't like about it and I think they could

have improved. But like, it's an enjoyable watch and like,

I think the entire cast is really good. I think, you know, I feel like

Sam Jones, you know, he kind of whatever disagreement

he got in with Dino De Laurentiis on Flash Gordon kind of

his career because he's. He's kind of too good for this material,

I feel like. But he seems like he's having fun With. It feels like everyone's

kind of having fun with this. It's kind of unfortunate that Kristen

Hughes is like, fourth build here, but I mean, when you.

Especially behind Jasper Carrot, which I. I really don't get,

you know, sure, Jasper Carrot was like, a known comedian at

the time, but, I mean, Kristen Hughes is supposed to be your star.

The new. The movie is named after her. So at least have her second builder,

something. You know, honestly, Mod Adams should be built

above Sam Jones in this, when you think about it.

But, yeah, no, it's. It's goofy. It's dumb.

There's. If. If you're. If you're gonna be, like, a nitpicker and,

like, get into, like,

issues of, like, feminism and racism and stuff,

then if you're gonna be one of those people going

after this kind of material, maybe you got too much time on your hands

because, yeah, it's not good on those things, but it's not pretending to be.

It's. It's very stupid and hard to take serious. So.

But we'll. You know, I'll pass over to Suzanne,

and when we get to the deeper conversation on some

of this stuff, then I'll bring it up. But, yeah,

okay. No, I agreed.

It's. I had never even heard of this movie until

Gary's like, oh, yeah, we're watching this. I'm like, what the.

Well, I also had fun. I watched it on Amazon and,

you know, thank God for those commercials every five minutes.

But this is just me bitching

about the commerce. But it really wasn't that bad. It is.

It's light. It's slapsticky.

You know, it's not like when I. When I

first glance, I'm like, oh, God, it's going to be like tits and ass

everywhere. But it was. It was more like, is the comic,

which I actually had to get read about, you know,

just a girl in satin underwear. Big deal.

It is cute. And, well, I can look at Sam

Jones all day, every day, till the day I die.

He could. He could play the part mute, and I really wouldn't

care. I was just bummed he didn't have a shirt off more.

Wow. Who is there? Something's here.

But, yeah, it's. It's a cute little movie. I love the Leopard Queen. The Leopard

Queen is my favorite part of this movie. I just loved her.

It. It added a lightness. And once again, the whole thing is

lights and Bob Adams, which I. I remember her

as a Bond girl. I remember her in a few

other smaller roles. I don't remember her being

that huge of a. Of an actress,

but, you know, that's kind of neither here nor there. It's.

I have to admit, it's a fun little

light, slapsticky.

Girl. Loses her clothes quite a bit,

but not in the nasty way.

Yeah, it could have been. It definitely doesn't feel like

one of the more like sleazy, leering, like sex comedies

of the time, right? Oh, yeah, exactly. And you could almost see

that they, they were trying to lean into that a little

bit, but they. I'm glad they kept it more on the PG

side because it's. To be honest, it's just a cute

little movie. It really is. It's cute.

The scene on the boat with the first assassin brother.

I was laughing my ass off every time. She would

smash him in the face with the door. Down with the anchor.

And the only thing that bugged me, I'm like, watching the dog.

I'm like, nothing better happen to that dog. I'm gonna be

real pissed off here if anything happens to the dog.

But it's, it's. It's a cute little movie. It's.

It really. It's literally M M's. There is no

nutritional value here whatsoever,

but it's fun. I. I really.

Is it well made? No, that's cheap.

Completely cheap as. But it's

just an enjoyable ride. It doesn't outstay its

welcome. The story. Yeah. Finding the Big D,

the Lost city. But it's. There's.

It. It's like almost. I don't know if it's more of a MacGuffin or a

red herring because we never get there. Oh, wait, we do get

there. Well, yeah. McGuffin is. Is what

it really is. Yeah. It's like. It's not like the tour where

they're talking about military secrets and you never know what they are,

but it's. It just. It's not

a great movie, but at least it's enjoyable. You've got

in a completely just base

set of characters that do a good job. You've got, you know, you're the

blonde, you've got the jungle man.

You've got the colonel, his man servants.

You've got the evil Nazis doing evil Nazi things.

It's once again straight up composites again

of just basic characters, but they all seem to work

together well. It's not great, but it's fun.

I'll get. Give me fun.

Yeah. For me, unlike the last film,

this is a film that knows just what it is. It's like Suzanne

says from Jump. You know, you get some slapsticky on the boat and

this guy who's clearly falling into swimming pool, you know, the first

few times he falls, he's swimming pool. And you know what? I don't care,

I don't care if it looks like he's walking to a pool. It's just,

it's fun. You know, you just the kind of humor, just the kind of humor

that Gary likes, you know, when somebody is trying to grasp onto

the ledge or something and somebody steps out of their fingers and they fall again.

I'm gonna laugh. First time. Oh, she closed that porthole on

his fingers. Yeah, I'm the last third. I'm the last third time too,

because let me tell you that those jokes work for me.

You know, as a film itself.

I, I didn't look at a budget or anything, but I'm sure the budget was

very small. It was filmed on location and yeah.

Yeah, I couldn't find like any budget or box office for this.

So like, But I mean it, it had to be made for like

way less than $5 million at like,

it's, it's very cheap for 1987 and

oh. It'S a straight to video production. There you go.

Yeah, that's a new, It's a New world joint. So I knew going

in it wasn't gonna be very, very, you know, oppressive with,

you know, anything really. But the, the BB series

that they did, like, you know, it's based on the comic strip, but then they,

they made a movie in 1949. I've never seen that.

I'm kind of actually interested in, in seeing that, that movie.

But then they did the BB series in the 80s.

They did two seasons of it, 1982 and 1984.

And they're very cheaply done. They're like live action put

in with like comic book panels and stuff like

that. It's actually kind of interesting. You know, it's more than what you would expect

from the BBC at the time, but at the same time it's like the way

they did it, they obviously did to save a lot of money and they obviously

like didn't spend a lot of money on this either. So.

Yeah, yeah, I thought Sam Jones is real

fine as your, your meathead jungle man. Just,

you know, helping bring that freaking humor along with his open shirt and

you know, being your, your, your.

Yeah, yeah, you're listening.

That big knife he's got. Yep. Oh yeah.

Yeah. Five candy there indeed.

But I, I, I, I, I, I enjoy the locations of

this. They filmed the location, wherever those countries, it's in Africa.

This country, you know? Yeah, it's. I think it's in Africa. I,

I can't pronounce it, but they did, they did kind of shoot on location kind

of thing, and, you know, it shows it.

It's, I assume this is a British production or whatever,

and usually they get their production value pretty well, even when

they're doing cheap. You know, like, they're, they usually know how to,

to, like, you know, get blood out of a stone, so to

speak, with their production values. So you can see it here.

It looks pretty much as good as any of the

other cheap stuff around this period of time.

Like, what's the one we did, Gary, with Chuck Norris

and Lewis Gossett Jr. Firewalker or whatever. The.

Yeah, it doesn't look any worse than Firewalker,

I don't think. I, I, I, I, I'd say I

had more fun with this than Firewalker, and I really like Firewalker.

It's almost like Firewalker. So Fireworker. Derogatory,

was it? Tried to implement humor in there in the wrong spots?

Well, yeah, Chuck Norton.

Yeah, Chuck Norris can't do jokes. That's the thing. Because he can't do anything

other than you can hit people, and that's it.

But here, everybody is, like, really good. The entire

cast is, like, funny. They. Yeah, I mean, it's,

I don't know if it's intentional or they just work

comically well together, but it is, It's.

I don't want to say, maybe charming is the word. Yeah,

it's just, it's, it's just a cute little

funny movie. It's. I don't know if some spots

are intentionally, but there,

there's, it's just

fun. Yeah, it's like. And we're like, it's super

light. Like, it's not even as sleazy as, like, Benny Hill is, and Benny

Hill's not really all that sleazy, but it's way sleazier than this.

And the Carry on films are even way sleazier

than this. And some of them, like, this is very, like,

just light, cheesecakey kind of stuff where it's

like, oh, her dress came off. But, you know, it's not like,

presented in a way necessarily where the,

the guys are like, even the men in the, in the cast are

not necessarily drooling over her. Like, she, she's presented

in awkward positions for, like, the viewer to watch

and go, oh, that's kind of hot. But, you know, the,

the men in the cast are actually like, please get her a jacket.

And you know, and stuff like that. You know, I think the only character really

who kind of really comments on Jane whenever

she's undressed is the Tombs character who's like,

yes, I think I'll go over to the car now, please.

Like, obviously in insinuating he's gonna jack off because

you just saw Jane with her dress ripped off or whatever.

Right. But everyone else is kind of like, oh,

that poor woman. Please get her a jacket. You know, it's downplayed

completely. Like I said, it's not. And you're right. It's more cheesecake

than anything else. Yep.

Honestly, the. I watched some of the episodes of the BBC

thing and some of those are way

more leering and tawdry than this movie is.

Like, this is very light even compared to the source material.

So, yeah, they just basically have like that one moment like that,

though, to where they're trapped in the tomb where the diamonds are the nuts.

They've stole the diamonds.

The queen. What is she that. The queen of? The leopard queen.

Yeah, yeah. Leopard queen figures out, hey,

my mother never wanted to be trapped in a place like this. Let me find

her. Her. So of course, this is just enough

room for the girls to get through. As you can see their

underpants, you know, as they crawl through this hole and the fellows stop

a bit to look at it. That's like the really old moment of like,

you know, hey, let's exploit these women for no reason

at all just by taking these long shots of their. Of their undies.

You know, that's really. That's really about it, you know,

but. They played it off like nothing.

Yeah, yeah. And. And for. For the time period

they're, you know, because this is. This is a period picture, but it's

presented in the 80s. The. The underwear they're wearing is like,

not like. It's pretty much like granny panties

in, in. In. In comparison to what you're seeing in most contemporary

stuff around this time. You know, it's. It's definitely not anything you're seeing in sex

comedies of this. Of this sort of decade.

They're wearing like this. I. I happen to like,

like frilly underwear and garters and stuff. So I'm like, okay, I'm cool with it.

But like, most people aren't wear. Aren't watching movies with. With stuff like

that in it anymore at this point. Like thong territory.

We're getting into smaller patties. Even the gods must be crazy

films. They're wearing pretty skimpy like underwear when the,

the scenes happen where the female, main female characters, like getting

her dress pulled off or up or whatever, you know, kind of thing.

So, I mean, my God, I think you see skimpier stuff on an episode

of Friends. I think you'd see skim skimpier stuff in

an episode of, like, Marital Children around this time too,

right? Like, yeah, it's. It's so like I said,

it's it for me. I was not. I mean, I've seen.

Trust me, I could write a book on all the exploitation movies

I've seen. This is. It's so, like I said,

light hearted. It's not. No one's leering all that hard.

And if they are leering, they leer for about 30 seconds, they're reprimanded

and they look away. Done. And even the,

even the race stuff in this where, you know, we have a bunch of

savages quote, unquote, coming after them several times.

Like, there's a conversation in this between the Colonel and Tombs

where, like, Tombs is like, this place is not fit for a

white man. It's fit for the black savages and stuff. And the Colonel basically lambast

him, says, like, stop being a racist dick. Like, yeah, I mean,

they're definitely a lot more,

I guess, socially acceptable than anything now. Yeah,

I mean, you know, it. This. The movie's so corny

and dumb that the stereotypes,

you know, it's a joke. Like, it. They're not, they're not just

like, oh, seriously, presenting black Africans

as just savages. You know, they're not doing that.

Just like, they're not leering at Jane. Like, they could be.

They're. They're not being super racist in this.

Like, if anything, they're. They're presenting like the imperialist British guys as kind

of buffoons. And, you know,

they had the conversation about, you know, don't be a racist dick.

You, you, you, you dumb. And if anything,

the, the thing they're really focusing on is the goofy Nazis. And you know,

any movie that punches Nazis out of airplanes is cool to me.

Oh, yeah? Yeah. Even the part,

you know, that where the, the names are actually throwing spears

at them, at their boat. It's done so light.

It would. So with the right amount of comedy that you,

you're not even, you know. Well, another person might

say, oh, they're throwing spears. That. That's, that's racist.

Indigenous people, like, no, it's done so lighted with the right

amount of humor that when they, when they show the, the next

cutscene of Them, you know, soaking wet because their boat has sunk

from all the holes. Yeah, you're like, this,

this is fine, you know. Yeah.

No one's out to butt hurt anybody.

It's the 1980s and it's like, this could have been way more

racist and sexist than it was. Sure, sure, it's light.

It's lightly racist and sexist. But, like, who cares?

Like, if you're bothered by this, you are. You have

problems. Like, there, there is a lot worse in the 1980s that you can legit

be bothered by and like, actually make a point about because there's just

some movies that are like, in this decade especially that are super offensive

and should be criticized. This is just,

this is just dumb. Who cares? Yeah, it's,

it's, it's light, it's. It's not quite full on

slapstick. Yeah. But it's, it,

it's late humor with.

And you know which, and I agree with

you, if anybody is really triggered by this dude,

you have got to go see a doctor.

You just need to see some other movies from this decade because apparently you

haven't, because every, every other movie in this decade is way

worse. Oh, God. If they ever watch Tales from the Hood.

Holy. Their heart will explode. That would blow their minds.

Oh, yeah, someone would. Their head would literally

just explode off their shoulders. And I would pay to see that.

You want to see a racist movie from this decade? Go watch Soul man or

something, then come back to me. Oh,

God. There's a reason I have not thought of that movie in

decades. Yeah. Thanks, Lee.

You want the most racist movie from the 80s? Watch Soul Man. Want to see

the most sexist movie from this decade? Watch, like the Party Animal.

No porkies. Come on. Go full on porky.

Well, no, Porky's actually has, like some good acting

and stuff going on and actually has some, like,

resonance. Whereas, like, the Party Animal is like one

of the most, like, exploitive sex comedies ever made, which is just.

It's not saying a lot. It's the 80s.

Everything. There is no holes bar in the 80s.

I'm just talking about the peaks of the mountain. Oh, yeah, I know.

And there's so many of them. Oh,

my gosh. I think one real flawless movie is that Ian Roberts's

Carl, our Nazi meathead, wasn't really as

much as he should have been because this guy a brick

house. And he's a good foil. He's a good foil to Sam

Jones. Right? Like, they needed to do

more together. They had that. They needed to have a Couple more fights. Yeah,

like him, like press, press slam a villager or two over his head or

something just to prove the strength of Carl and you know,

something, Something more that. I love that Heinrich and all of his

incarnations just keeps getting over at every. Every turn and,

you know. Yeah, we need more meathead Carl doing stuff

in this movie. That's my only real about this movie is that,

you know, Lola Pagola has this,


He doesn't really do much, you know, except like, carry the, the crate,

the, the. The tumor of diamonds out of

the. The hobble there. That's like the only time really shows his strength.

Otherwise he's like this big old meathead who just kind of hangs out, you.

Know, he's pretty much just a stand

in. He's a. He's a big giant mannequin.

Yeah. And he could have eaten up a little more scenery,

in my opinion. Yeah, they just needed a fight.

Yeah, they needed a guy who could physically match

Sam Jones like that. That's all they. And then that's what. That's all

they felt they needed. They. They could have done a lot more with him because

he's fun in this. Like, you know, his, his interactions

with Mod Adams, like, you know, there's. There's subtext there

where. Yeah, they're totally on the side somewhere where, you know. Oh, definitely.

Yeah. You don't see it in the movie, of course, because it's not that kind

of movie, but, yeah, they could

have done worth it. And, you know, he's got that whole rivalry thing

with Jasper Carrot playing Heinrich or

whatever, and, you know, they're always going back and

forth because they both kind of want the approval

of Lola Pegola, so.

Well, he did have a moment where he showed his humanity

when they were messing around in marketplace

with the vendor and he just got sick of it and

went and punched one of them so hard like,

now that. That is seriously

a human moment. He's like, yeah, no, you don't

get to mess with the natives. No, you don't get to act like that.

So. Well, I'm gonna punch you so you'll stop.

I mean, he's. He's a Nazi, but. He is a Nazi.

But he had a redeemable moment.

Yeah, he kind of knows his. Like, I'm the only Nazi in

Africa here. You gotta get

along. To get along, you needed. In this

Indiana Jones ripoff, because that's what it is at the end of the day,

you needed the fight between Jungle Jack

and Carl on the Runway. You needed that kind of fight. Yeah,

yeah. Versus your hero,

you know? Yeah. Because they only kind of had that like, kind of brief fist

fight on the plane, really. And. And in the end, it's like,

it's Jane who basically wins that fight because he's like,

shoot the dog. Because he's, you know, he scared the dog and he's like,

you know, lola, shoot the dog or whatever. And Jane's like,

you. And it knocks his ass. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Because at the end of the day, he really wins the film. Fritz the dog,

as portrayed by Magnum the dog acting this

fine in this movie, you know. Yeah,

yeah. He kind of resembles a dog that kind of looks at when you're

having sex and just kind of like, you know, starts crying or

something, but, you know, situation,

you know. But yeah,

he looks. He looks sexually confused. His dog. And also just. It's just

quick cuts to this doctrine that was

serious. And kill the dog. Like the. You will kill a dog. Come on

now. You know. Yeah. Not enough monkey from the

trailer in this movie either. But that's. Again, these are real small things. These are

real small things. And I, I enjoyed the out of it,

but you guys should watch it. But I'll

kick it delete and say. Any final thoughts about Jane in

Lost City? First, final thought. Apparently my

mic level was way down. Thank you,

Streamyard, for doing that. But,

yeah, no, this is fun. I won't go deep

into my fetishes, but Jane, losing your clothes definitely checks

off a box. So I enjoyed that and I enjoyed the light touch

at the same time because, you know, sometimes this stuff can

get into, like, really bad, sleazy territory

where it's like, oh, I'm a. I'm a nasty dirty man for liking

this. But here I'm like, I'm okay with it. It's fun. It's.

It's light and breezy. Nazis get foiled.

They look like fools, as they should, because Nazis are fools and pieces

of. And everybody in this cast is having fun

and they're kind of. They're vibing with each other and they're.

They're rolling with the what's going on here? And there's not a lot going on.

It's. It's not much of a script. It's just kind of a basic

slap sticky thing. It's. It's not.

You know, I'm not gonna sit here and tell you it's one of the

better Indiana Jones rip offs, because it's not.

But it's not a terrible one. It's. It's not like horrible.

It's not unwatchable. It's light and breezy.

Easy squeezy, lemon breezy. Whatever you want to say.

I'd say watch it. You know, if you have a lazy. It's kind of one

of those movies where, and I think this is where I saw pieces and bits

and pieces of it back in the day. It was just one of those things

that would like play on a Sunday or something on tv. And it's

like if you have a lazy Sunday and you, you kind of want a little

bit of an Indiana Jonesy adventury thing going on,

then what? You know, fire this

up on YouTube or whatever and, and watch it and then you

might enjoy it. You know, if you like seeing ladies underwear,

you get a lot of that.

Yes, indeed, Suzanne.

You know, I really wasn't sure what to expect going into

this. I'm like, oh God, this is going to be horrible.

It really isn't. It's as Lisa is just light,

it's breezy, it's funny,

it's goofy. My new hero is the leopard

queen. Down with her. I definitely

want to go sit and sit wine with her and talk about being deposed

to the jungle while reminiscing about my lost love.

I think that would be a fun afternoon. It's not,

it's not bad at all. There's, it's,

there's nothing really rough about

this. It's a nice little PG

Sunday afternoon hangover film.

I kind of liked it a lot more than I thought I

was gonna like it. I'm glad I went into this blind.

Didn't look up anything. So it's fun. And Sam

Jones not shirtless enough.

I forgot to mention that this, the island filmed

this at is more Mauritius which is

island out the coast of east fabric. So I think.

Oh, so I'm sorry. There you go. They use the

location really well as far as. And yeah,

I, I on the,

on the total grand scale of Jade Jade in Lost City though I

really enjoy my time with it. I miss films like this. I think

the last one they were really had that was like Indiana

Jones type adventure film was that very first mummy film with Brendan

Fraser. And I I, it's,

it's good enough for me. I mean I, I need more stuff

like that. You know, we have the dam who's not quite

in distress but she's kind of is, she's kind of independent and

you know, she's. But yeah, nobody's really an afterthought in

this movie. That's what I really liked about this film, that all your

main characters all genuinely had something to do.

And not like. Not like the last movie.

No. For, say, you know, I recommend

Jane to the Lost City exponentially over the prestige film

that is the. That is Monuments. Then. I. I never

thought I'd say this, but. But you know what? If you got 90 minutes plus

some ads, go to Tubi and watch it. It's just,

it's. I think there's a DVD out there, but it's not a label

I never heard of before. But it would not surprise me if, like, Aquino Lorber

picked this up and not even put extras on it.

Well, I. I would love to hear a commentary, but you never can't tell.

But. Oh, God, I think Sam would just embellish

the. Out of it. Yeah, give. Give. Same joke.

Yes, indeed. You can do a lot of this movie.

Bill Murray was in this movie. Like the Bill Murray for Monuments

Men just walked into this movie. Play like the Colonel or something like. Yeah,

that'd be cool. No, Looking for the. The hidden stash and

the diamonds that the Nazis took. Oh,

God, we're onto something here. There we go.

That. That's the. That's the. You. That's the universe.

That's the hit cannon. I want. That's the crossover. The Monuments Men

meets Jane in the Lost City. Bill Murray trying to

get those diamonds and, you know, just making, like, off the cuff

comments about Jane and her garter

bel. Yeah. Bob Balaban,

like, talking with tombs like that. That would work. Oh,

yeah. But for the love of God,

don't step out a landmine. No, yeah, don't do that.

Yeah, yeah. Just a lot of stuff

works for you. The Pratt balls. You know,

Jane loses her clothes in hilarious ways.

Ridiculous. Hogan's Heroes, Nazis in this movie.

Yep. I just. I love

everything about it. And you know what? If you don't like anything about it,

maybe you need more joy in your life. I'm just gonna throw it out there,

you know? Yeah, you could do a lot worse than

Jane the Lost City, in my opinion.

And yeah, I need more meathead.

Meathead Carl in this movie about

this Bill was that. I need that. But it's.

It's. It's a high. A high recommend for me to just

say, you know what? Everybody takes everything so seriously now.

Why not watch this girl get her dress up again in hilarious ways?

It's like, oh, no, Jane got wet from the river. She had their clothes up

again. You know, it's just. It's. It's there

and it's Not. It's not objectifying women all

that much because they're not really. Like we said, they're not really looking at her

that way. You know, they're more saying cover her up than anything else.

So, yeah, it's, it's, it's good. It's, it's.

It's a pure good. I see that about so many films that like this.

But you know what hour 33 minutes is breezy as.

And it'll please you on a hangover

Sunday morning, let's put it that way. Oh, yeah,

yeah. But that's

it for Jane and her slip. We'll be

right back to close out the show.

And now, preview time.

When it comes to entertainment, you can't beat a good film.

So let's take a look at what's coming your way.

It's the ultimate soldier. It doesn't get happen. It doesn't get sad. It doesn't laugh

at your jokes. It is quite simply, the most

sophisticated robot on Earth. At Nova Robotics,

the future is in good hands. You do real good. Just keep working

on those last two bars. Thanks to Dr. Newton Crosby.

Originally, I designed it as a marital. Aid, but artificial intelligence has

gotten too smart. It's malfunctioning. It might not do anything,

but it. Could decide to blow away anything that moves. Couldn't. Because $11

million worth of robot just hit the road.

Number five is alive. Welcome to my

planet. You just have to find Number Five, get some answers. Why don't

you come on in my house? And it's got a lot of living to

do. Whatever it takes to put that stupid contraption out of commission.

That's what you do. Me? In part.

Haven't you had enough of this stuff? More in. Perfect.

They can seem quite lifelike, but they are still machines.

Number Five is alive. Nice software.

How it happens, who knows? But it has happened.

A new comedy adventure from John Banham. The director of War

Games. They're going to be after you. We got to get out of here now.

Keep alive. Ally Sheedy,

Steve Gutenberg and Number Five.

Beautiful short circuit.

I am alive.

All right, that's the end of another one. I'm damn

happy to say it was a good time.

And thank you, Lee, for. For coming on the

show, my friend. And, uh, yeah, it was a pleasure,

man. Yeah, no, this was the highlight of my week,

so thanks for bringing me. Always good to talk to you,

Lee. Yeah. Been a while, Suzanne.

It was. It's fun. Oh, I know it has been.

But I know you got something pushed through. I I just listened to one of

your episodes recently. What you got coming up on? They must

be this right on site. So as of this

recording, our latest episode is the blaxploitation

film Bucktown. Did that with Matt

from Movie Melt and Vaughn from Motion Picture Massacre.

And we're getting together again this Saturday and we're going to be

doing an episode on across 110th Street.

So that will be the next episode. Probably the latest thing

you hear coming out of my feed whenever this drops.

Also doing a My sideshow I

do every month, Blood on the Tracks this month,

of course, Black Exploitation. So it's gonna be another black exploitation playlist.

And they'll be at the end of February. So that'll

be kind of the stuff that's on my feed at that point.

So check that out. I forgot to get that

in. Yeah,

and anywhere find podcasts or not sold too. You can go find

it there too, you know, or just. Just really bad podcasts.

You can find it in those places too. Probably all the podcasters

get all the stuff. Come on, Sue. Anything going

on with you? No, just kind

of hanging out with the Cinema Beef right now.

Maybe I'll jump on something at some point, but kind

of happy right here right now, and I don't have to stretch my brain that

much. Yeah, Almost went

on a W on Tuesday night, but my. My connection

was shit for some reason. So I was like. Like the moment I sit down

to be on that show, my fucking connection turns into shit, you know? So this

is. Oh, I know. I almost jumped in Tuesday night just because they

were doing dad Snow, which is one of my favorite movies of all time.

Yeah. God, I love that movie. I really, really,

really need a movie poster of Dead Snow. Oh,

yeah. God, I love that movie.

If. Coming up, if you

guys are in Chicago in March, towards the end of

the month days, the Dead's happening, I'll probably be going for a short

time that day. But if you're in the Chicagoland area, you want to come hang

out, have a pint or something? Brit Eckland's gonna be there, which is the main

reason why I'm going, because. Wait, what? She just got announced,

didn't she? Brett Eklund and Bill Duke are gonna

be there. So that's. Those are the two. Damn. The two big ones,

the money. That's what I'm doing, you know.

Oh, I may have to like. Damn,

damn, damn. I'm gonna have to do that.

Damn, damn, damn. It's Gonna. But I

gotta see what my schedule is.

As far as this show goes. I don't know what's coming up next. This one

was kind of built on the wind and you know, should be told X

is taking a slight sabbatical from the show. Which is why we didn't do the

Manitou and the Dark Half. Because already regularly scheduled programming

that was going to involve him is being rescheduled until

he. He's back at it. Uh, no details are necessary.

He just has step away for a month or possibly two.

It's just uh. Yeah, that, that is why you're not hearing him in this episode.

I was just putting it out there. He's. He's denying the people the Manitou and

the Dark Half. He's a monster. It was,

it was a decision. So. Yeah,

you have no idea the rants I

have for that movie. Unfortunately I had to lay them on my husband since

I couldn't lay them on you. And he's like, baby, you better

write this down. I'm going to bed now.

I don't want to hear it anymore. It's Patrick's

first hats he could take. Hey, come on now. You know.

No, but I literally got my hand slamming on the table and

he's like, baby, I'm gonna go to bed now.

Hear him say this too in the pet voice, you know.

Huh. But yeah, I've been doing lazy this streams

on Instagram if you guys can find me there. Beefy Beard

22 on. On Instagram. Some of those baby

shows I just gotta one in with a big ass

cast and called Hang Fire that has

a bunch of. Bunch of genre people in it and I can't

wait to watch that thing. So that, that might be a show with something else

you could. Yeah you could do. You could convert those all into like

cinema beef minis and you could like give him

the what's his face for Legion podcast. He stick them on the YouTube.

You know, you could do all kinds of stuff. I think the

next show you should hear though that we're in talks of recording again

soon will be another in the Paradeway show with John

Cross. So if you guys are enjoying.

Yeah, those are fun because me and John gets stupid

and yes

indeed, the one that's coming next up will be on the Diner

very, very soon because I know he's editing it where we cover into the

sun and what the was the VHS pick.

I forget now. Either way, into the sun with Parade

and Anthony Michael Hall. Oh God.

You like Top Gun? Please tell me it's a horrible version

of Top Gun because I would think I would love the out of that.

Well, they take Top Gun and they take the hard way with Michael J.

Fox and James Woods. They mash them

together by saying Anthony Michael hall is an actor

who wants to be in a fighter pilot movie. So he goes up

with real fighter pilot Michael Perret and gets into some real conflict.

Yeah. And. Oh, it sounds amazing.

It's, it's, it's fine. It's fine. Oh,

I'm trying to get the guy that beat has picked either way. That'll be

on the after movie diner feed to find both these things.

And John Cross has been doing his thing. I'll share the link on the

Simpe page to collect all the episodes on one page.

But that's what we're doing. We're alternating his feed and my feed.

Yeah. So that's, that's fun.

It's fun getting to some lesser known stuff. And the, the one,

one Michael Perret who has had an incredibly long career and

still going today. He has a various looking horror film that's coming out

or it's like the Hills have Eyes but looks like a lot of practical

effects and it's. Oh cool. Called Desert

Fiends. It's called. And it just looks like a gory mess

that I'm gonna enjoy. So yeah,

that's the end of this one. This has been your Cindy podcast

where if you've got beef, we've got the Grinder. See you next


Creators and Guests

Gary Hill
Gary Hill
Host of the Butcher Shop podcast series Cinema Beef and Last Call at Torchy's
Cinema Beef Podcast : You Got The Reich's Stuff (Monuments Men/Jane And The Lost City)
Broadcast by