Wych Vs. The Doomsday Clock: Week #47, 12 Hours 30 Minutes to Doomsday – Stone Cold Crazy

This week Wych tries to escape the chair only to be lured back by redheads, nudity and a whole lot of crazy

This week: A redhead nurse, Feeling better not worse & People that end up in a hearse

MOVIE TITLE: Slaughter Hotel (1971) (1:29 Run time)
La bestia uccide a sangue freddo
The Beast Kills in Cold Blood
Asylum Erotica
Cold Blooded Beast
IMDB DESCRIPTION: A masked killer stalks an institution for mentally disturbed rich women.
Director: Fernando Di Leo (Also wrote the story)
Klaus Kinski – Dr. Francis Clay
Margaret Lee – Cheryl Hume
Rosalba Neri – Anne Palmieri (she was Lady Frankenstein in the movie of the same name)
