2 drink NOTLD


We’re coming to get you, filmgoers!  We cover.George Romero’s 1968 classic and first in the original dead trilogy, Night of the Living Dead!  WATCH along as X takes a hooker sized dump on this classic  LISTEN for the sound of Willis slapping multiple white women!  CRINGE as I do a horrible Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.  Only Blind Frankenstein might come out alive!  Who are we kidding, the cripple always dies!

Contact Info
Facebook : Gary Hill, Suzanne Wilson Cappeletti, Willis Wheeler, Jeffery X Martin, Jesse Bollinger

Twitter : @GDubby, @Flyye01, @nastywilldc, @JefferyXMartin, @theJesseB83


Kiss the Goat

6.5 Feet Under Podcast

Terror Troop

Purely Random Podcast Network 


